dojo loach

  1. newmag1659

    Dojo Loach Mass Between Pelvic and Anal Fins - Help?

    This is one of my dojo loaches, Sosig. He has had some balancing issues for a couple weeks but it seems to have gotten better. Made me worry about a swim bladder issue. Today, I noticed this mass between his pelvic and anal fins. What to do? Is there anything to do? He is our favorite fish and...
  2. 2

    Sickly dojo loach

    Hello all this is my first time using this website and I am in desperate need of anything anyone can tell me. I have a 65 gallon, heavily planted (aquatic plants and pothos/swiss cheese plant on top), levels are 7.0~ PH, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, around 10-20 nitrate. They are used to much higher...
  3. P

    Can I keep dojo loaches and a peacock eel together in the same tank?

    Can I keep dojo loaches and a peacock eel together in the same tank?
  4. R

    Ick help… new owner needs help

    Hi guys, I am a very new aquarium owner and am relatively nuanced about aquariums. My 29 gallon aquarium has an ick outbreak and I responded by adding doses of ick clear and removing the carbon from the filter. I added air stones and a sponge filter. My mollies and loaches seem to be acting...
  5. W

    Green terror and dojo loach

    I saw a thread about this already but the tank I’m going to put the green terror with is a lot bigger then the gentleman that had the same question (to my knowledge I thought I saw he had a 29gal? I could be wrong) I’m putting the gt in a 90 gallon 4.5’ long 18” deep and 24” tall. I’ve recently...
  6. Circus

    Loach Hides?

    I can get terracotta pots for cheap enough locally, but do loaches (DCL, Yoyo, Dojo) prefer pvc pipes (seems to be what a lot of people suggest)? Do hardware stores (Lowes, Home Depot) cut them to size like they do wood pieces? I see that they sell long pvc pipes, but do not have the tools to...
  7. Juliak

    Black ghost knife fish and bichir tank size suggests

    A few weeks ago I was able to buy some fish for my future large tank and I was hoping some of you would have some suggestions. As of right now I have a 2" black ghost knife fish with 2 delhezi bichirs (3-4"), 1 Senegal bichir (2"), 2 rope fish (12"), 1 giant Danio (2.5"), 1 dojo loach (5") and 1...
  8. Juliak

    Black Ghost Knife Fish and Bichir Tank Size Suggestions

    I recently bought a 2" black ghost knife fish. As of right now, he is in a 60 gallon aquarium with my 2 Senegal bichirs (3-4"), 2 rope fish (12"), 2 giant danios (2"), 1 dojo loach (5"), and 3 adult bronze corys. Most of the fish in this tank (bichirs, rope fish, and BGK fish are very calm and...
  9. Jan Cavalieri

    How many different kind of Dojo loaches are there?

    Right now I have one 30 gallon tank and one 50 gallon tanks each with three golden Dojo loaches in them. At one time I had 4 tanks but have slowly downsized because the maintenance was killing me. I used to have 7 - so in over a year I've only lost one loach. They appear to be very hardy...
  10. primsloaches16

    Special Needs Loach Update- Meet Baby!!<3

    Hey y'all! I wanted to post an update on my post from a few days ago, I ended up going back to my LFS today and picking Baby up! I thought about it for all day yesterday, and decided, if I go back and she's still there, I'll take her home. And there she was. So I got her bagged up and took her...
  11. primsloaches16

    Dojo Loach- Head bump?

    Hey y'all! This morning during feeding I noticed that one of my juvenile Gold Dojo Loaches, Catnip, has a small bump on the top of her head, back near where the gills meet the body. It's not a cut or open wound, just a small bump. She's acting completely normal, eating and swimming around to her...