
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. NatCardiff88

    Discus help

    Hi Everyone I’m looking for advice with my male discus I’ve had for roughly 10months. He is a pair female is fine and well but my male has been discolouring over past few weeks he’s still eating, find not clamped but looking very ragged. Roughly two months ago I added two Geo’s to my tank...
  2. NatCardiff88

    Help! Discus not eating,hiding and ball hanging out of anus - unsure if prolapse or disease

    Hi There Please can someone help and advise to treatment with my one discus. She’s been hiding and not eating tried using entice but no joy. She hasn’t showed any symptoms but now has a ball hanging out of anus. I want to treat straightway but unsure if this is a prolapse, hexamita or worms...
  3. S

    Discus is sick

    Hey everyone my Discus seems to be sick or something. He has actually been like this for a while, but it has just now seemed to get worse. Does anyone know what to do?
  4. V

    Discus substrate colours

    Hello, I have a tank with some discus fish. Initially I had black gravel and no backing and my blue diamond turned very dark almost black himself. I have removed the black and and ordered a light blue background. I was wondering if I use the dark blue gravel I already have should he lighten up...
  5. C

    Discus with indented/sunken belly but he is eating

    hello everyone, as the title explains I keep Diskus and one of them is behaving weirdly. I’ve been reading posts on here about inflated belly’s and discus, but the causes never fit to mine. Has has a really sunken in belly and the head itself is pretty thin aswell. He is not bullied. Only the...
  6. quinnARIUM

    Worried Discus might have worms

    Hi everyone, I purchased 6 Discus about 5 weeks ago in my 75 gallon aquarium. Everything in the tanks is going well; the chemistry is good (pH: 6.5, hardness: 25, Nitrate: 5, carbonate: 20) and all fish are growing fast and healthy. But one discus, pictured below, seems to be a little skinnier...
  7. Chimchim

    Discus : Red Nostrils 🛑

    Hello, My discus has redness in the nostril area for the past few days. What should I do? Should I quarantine it? Here is my aquarium water test results : Tds : around 150 Nitrate : 10~25 Nitrite : 0.5 Gh : 4~8 Kh: 0 Ph: lower than 6.4 CL : 0 Water system: Reverse osmosis (RO)
  8. L

    How many Discus?

    Hi! I am thinking of keeping discus in my 180L tank. I just want to know how many discus would be suitable and if there are any suitable tank mates or not? I have bristlenose Plecs in there at the minute but that is all. Thanks, Luke 🙂
  9. Barry Tetra

    Skinny discus

    I have this discus for about 6 or 7 months now and this guy seems to be skinnier and skinnier. I’ve tried feeding him bloodworm 3 times a day and treat him with Metronidazole, do a daily water changes and he’s still skinny and probably have finrot. My question is; can Metronidazole kill any...
  10. Andy1966uk

    Can you ever have too much filtration

    Hi I have a 330ltr tank I am repurposing for a bare bottom discus tank. I currently have two Ehiem Pro 4+ 600s running on the tank. Probably already over filtered but also some redundancy. I loved a review on the OASE Biomaster, so I just bought a thermo 600, a real beast. I plan to swap out one...
  11. Barry Tetra

    Discus breeding tank; Blackwater vs bare

    So right now I have 6 discus in 53 gal blackwater tank, I wanted to breed discus as I have a pair that lays eggs every months (and eat em), should I change to bare bottom? (Note that bare bottom tank have sticker on the bottom to prevent discus stressing) @Lajos_Detari @Colin_T
  12. Captain holt

    Identifying discus varieties

    Hey guys, just wondering if I could please get some help identifying what varieties these discus are? I’m new to discus keeping and recently purchased these two to go alongside two other juvies. Additionally, when I bought the red one the black spots were covering almost it’s whole body but I...
  13. C

    Killifish in higher temperatures

    I recently decided to make use of the space in my Discus tank by introducing a killifish. I maintain my Discus at around 82- 83°F. Do you think its a good idea. There are lots of good hiding places for the killifish.
  14. Barry Tetra

    How to decrease aggression in discus tank

    Hi TFF I used to have 4 discus and yesterday I moved him to QT tank (other discus peck him and he wasn't able to eat) and he died due to stupid heater overheating like what @PheonixKingZ had experienced. Now my question is; How many discus is okay for 55 gal tank and should I buy more to...
  15. Barry Tetra

    Urgent! Discus not eating and pale

    As the title says The red discus live in 55 gal tank with other 4 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 15-18 @Colin_T @Lajos_Detari
  16. Barry Tetra

    How many discus in a 48 Gal tank?

    Hello TFF :fish::fish::fish: I currently have 3 discuses in my 48 gal tank right now and they’re already paired up and layed eggs lots of time and not succesful with it, I wanna add more females to the tank so one of my male can pair with her. Back to the questions. How many discuses in 48...
  17. A

    How many discus in 250 litre tank?

    Hi, I want to put some discus into a 68cm tall 250L tank (66 US gallon tank or 55 Imperial gallon, no clue what people actually use) with an Aqua one 1400 UV ocellaris which is rated up to 400L tanks so I will have very good filtration and I will also have quite a lot of plants. I will also be...
  18. A

    Adding Rams with Discus

    I have a discus about 4" wide and I purchased a bunch of Ram cichlids to go into the aquarium. They are still in the quarantine tank but are almost ready to add to the bigger aquarium. My only worry is the size of the rams. They are maybe an inch long including tail. Are they too small at...
  19. H

    Discus fish

    Hello. I’m new to these forums so bare with. I’m quarantining 6 discus fish and they keep on twitching and rubbing against things so I thought it was something irritating them. They are eating just fine but peppering is getting more intense. They aren’t old enough to breed so it’s not breeding...
  20. Barry Tetra

    Discus lay eggs every weeks

    My discus lay egg every weeks but never got fries because they always eat after they laid their eggs, any Ideas? My discus already paired (Red discus-female, Heckel discus-male)
  21. T

    55 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with. Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far: - Discus with some sort of tetras - Angels with some sort of tetras Maybe add loaches too. Are these good combinations? What would be your...
  22. A

    Sick Discus

    Can anyone tell me what is going on with this discus and if the API general cure will treat it? It's a friend of mine fish and she said it seemed to appear out of no where and that no other fish in the tank are doing it.
  23. B

    De-worming and Discus bloat

    I have 6 discus ranging from 9-14cm. The tank is 165 litres, I'm going to upgrade them within the next 3 months. The smallest guy has a very thin head and body, and one of the bigger guys has bloat. I have used Epsom-salts twice now and neither fish seem to be improving. I used 10 teaspoons...
  24. ukdamon


    Hello and thanks for having me. I am new to the forum, but I've been keeping fish on and off for many years. I presently have a 60L Tropical Aquarium with community fish, some African Dwarf Frogs and some shrimp. I plan in the future to have a larger Discus aquarium.
  25. S

    Happy Tank Happy Wife-HELP PLEASE!

    Hi I have had a little fish tank up and running for about 8 months now-so am not a complete newbie...all is happy and Well all fish alive still-(I have read a lot of articles on here in that time) however my issue lies with my 180L tank. I bought this baby second hand and it’s had a few...
  26. Cameronb_01

    Hair Algae Epidemic

    Hi Guys, I have been driven to breaking point by this bloody f****** hair algae: my nitrates and phosphates and other water parameters are fine. I have been changing water 25% twice a week. I've been dosing liquid carbon. I am running a UV steriliser etc: I have poured an untold amount of time...
  27. Cameronb_01

    Discus Egg Percentage-Yield

    Hi Guys, My discus recently spawned, (around three days ago). This time round, when I came to the tank and saw that the eggs had been laid, I covered the spawning cone with a makeshift cone-guard made from gutter-mesh. I also added a half dose of myxazin to the tank to try and get as many of...
  28. Cameronb_01

    Discus Fry Feeding

    Hi Guys, My discus have successfully spawned and created 20 wrigglers, (pic attached): I estimate they will be free swimming within around 24 hours. I just had a few questions regarding feeding. How much baby brine shrimp should I buy to feed them? How much should I give them per feed? How...
  29. Cameronb_01

    Pot Belly Discus Chasing Others Around Tank

    Hi, As the title suggests I have one discus fish in my tank, with a pot belly, (picture attached), who chases his fellow tank-mates around tirelessly, (vid linked). There are 9 of them in the tank which is 450L and I feed 7 Gamma Blisters a day, (a mix of blood-worms, white mosquito larvae...
  30. Cameronb_01

    Breeding Discus

    Hi everyone, About a week ago I identified a breeding pair among my discus, (due to their constant proximity and the protective nature of the male). From that point forth I started doing 25% RO water changes daily, increased the temperature from 28°C to 30°C and also changed their food to...
  31. Cameronb_01

    Concerned about Discus Health

    Hi, About three months ago one of my discus accumulated so many little black spots that he effectively half turned black. Apart from the visual deformation there were no changes to his appetite or behaviour around the tank, consequently I put the change down to a very severe and sudden case of...
  32. L

    Discus & Armoured (Talking) Catfish?

    I have a 3ft tank (standard length & Width, slightly taller than normal) that is roughly 315-330 Ltrs depending on how much wood I put in it. Id had angel fish living happily for years however after loosing my oldest/fave fish Kev I gave my other two angels to friends with Angel tanks. I...
  33. CarloM12

    Talking about Freshwater Stingrays

    So this thread is going to be discussing freshwater stingrays in general. About a month ago I purchased a teacup stingray for my community tank with Discus, thinking they would get along. Contrary to popular beliefs, the discus nipped at the ray’s disc and killed it. A month layer, I’ve gotten a...
  34. CarloM12

    Discus Disasters!

    Hello everyone, I’m new to the forums. So I’m gonna begin my first post with a bit of a bang. My Discus are driving me crazy. It all started in August after I got back from vacation, I found two of my 11 dead. I have a 125 gallon tank, discus, angelfish (Small), tetras, rainbows, clown loaches...
  35. RinaLane

    Stocking advice needed too

    I have 2 tanks, 40G & 75G. Small one just has 18" long pleco, big one has 6 discus fish in it. I bought 12 Hemigrammus erythrozonus & 10 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. In which tank should I put them? I was planing to add tetras to pleco & rams to discus. But now I second guessing what if pleco will...
  36. Cameronb_01

    Substrate Change

    Hi Guys, I have been keeping Discus, (9 of them), in my 450L planted tank now for just over 6 months and it has been going great. However, in order to achieve the look I envisaged for the tank I have my heart set on completely swapping my current gravel substrate for "Amazonia". How should I go...
  37. K

    Discus Pair Breeding

    First of all I have 4 Discus (2 Female & 2 Male) along with 1 Bolivian Ram, 5 Tetras & a Pleco. I am lucky enough that 2 discus have formed a pair and laid eggs. It's super exciting for me as having Discus pairing up and breeding would be like golden prize for me. But since I am new to the...
  38. D

    330 Litre Amazon Rainforest Tank (With discus)

    I don't really post here much but I thought it would be nice to share my new tank build with you guys, plus it acts as a little diary for me ;) I used to keep marines but quit the hobby about 5 years ago. Last November I decided to get back into it, so re setup an old JBL nano I had in the...
  39. Cameronb_01

    Discus Eating Habits

    Hi Guys,   I have a relatively new discus aquarium, (4-5 days) and I was watching my 3 10cm discus eat just now and they weren't really eating. I put in 2 frozen "Discus Diet" cubes. They sank to the bottom then 2 of them bit them a couple of times then all three swam quickly to the other side...
  40. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...