dirty tank

  1. K

    Help with newish aquarium - sand substrate

    I am not necessarily new to aquariums, but I’m new to using sand substrate. I have always had gravel bottom aquariums and recently decided to start a 20 gallon sand substrate bottom. I got a little heavier sand (not the real fine kind) in hopes it would be easier to vacuum which it is. I do...
  2. Z

    Brown algae everywhere!

    Help! Brown ‘algae’ everywhere I went away for a few weeks, with my tank in good condition, and since I’ve been back (2 weeks), I have not been able to get this sudden “algae” problem under control (idk if it’s algae or not). I have done 3 50% water changes since I’ve been back, trying to suck...
  3. lynhagan

    Spike in Nitrates and Water not clearing

    HI. I've posted before and received good advice so I'm confident the problem can be solved. I have a Betta fish that is recovering well from a case of Fine rot he got about a few months ago. I have a Fluval Flex 32l filled to about 28/30l and was feeling able to start planting. I asked the...
  4. bettafishlover86

    New Start?

    Summer vacation is finally here. For the past 6 months, I have had a 29 gallon aquarium up and running. I have a bunch of guppies, a betta, two otocinclus, and a cory.(I am getting more Cory’s in the next few days) A piece of driftwood and a lot of random plants are also in my tank. Two weeks...
  5. Falconwithaboxon

    New Tank

    Hello guys, So I just bought a 45 gallon aquarium off of Facebook. I checked and the has no leaks or cracks. I'm just wondering what would be the best way to clean the glass. I was just going to get a Mr Clean eraser. Last time I got a tank I used vinegar and scotch brite but I was reading that...
  6. Jan Cavalieri

    Why oh Why do these two tanks look so different!

    Sorry this is so poorly written but we're doing a water change later today and would like at least a couple comments: The first example is 'TANK A" the second example is 'TANK B" both taken today about 4 hours after feeding - the debris you see on the ground in both tanks is mostly empty snail...