
  1. Tacocat

    How do I lower pH without use of tannins?

    I have a 40 gallon tank with a bunch of low to neutral pH fish, but the tank is also heavily planted. My tap water pH is about 7.5 but I used some seiryu stone in the tank, and that raises both pH and kH. So I've been managing it using Indian almond leaves, but the tannins heavily reduce the...
  2. SRbettas

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    Hi all it’s been a while but I’m glad to be back. Anyway as the title says I am setting up my first dirted tank and have a couple questions. Firstly, how do I know which soil is safe, I’ve heard organic topsoil is best but I’m scared I’m going to put something toxic in my tank? I’m also very...
  3. cooledwhip

    CooledWhip's Dirted Tank Guide.

    I will be updating this guide multiple times. This is the first section that I have created and the second sections will be coming soon, as soon as I get hardscape and stuff to set it up and plant it. Hey everyone, I have mentioned that sometime in the future I would make a dirted tank guide...