dirt tank

  1. F

    Turning established tank into a palludarium?

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but this seems like a DIY project. I currently have a 60 gallon tank (a good mix of width and height) that’s been running for a couple weeks now, it only has a few cherry shrimp and some live plants (aluminium, dragon flame, purple...
  2. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...
  3. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...