
  1. Cameronb_01

    Discus Egg Percentage-Yield

    Hi Guys, My discus recently spawned, (around three days ago). This time round, when I came to the tank and saw that the eggs had been laid, I covered the spawning cone with a makeshift cone-guard made from gutter-mesh. I also added a half dose of myxazin to the tank to try and get as many of...
  2. P

    Mysterious Fish Deaths! Can Anyone Help?

    ok well just suddenly my threadfin rainbow died, the day before he seemed perfectly healthy but i just got him 2 days ago from the lfs so maybe something was already wrong with him but either way i couldn't see anything wrong with him but the next day (today) i just noticed my spotted cory was...
  3. M

    Pregnant Platy? Urgent!

    Hey Everyone! I need help quick, lately I have noticed that one of my platys is growing larger in the stomach area then the other. I have attached some pictures below of the platies so you can compare them. In the tank i also have two angelfish, two red mm platies and then these guys. If she is...
  4. J

    Don't Get Balloon Rams!

    I bought 2 ballon rams a few days ago and one died today and one yesterday i know for sure it's because there genetically enhanced to have the bigger body which messes there swim gland up because they just kept floating to the bottom! I have a lot of other fish in the tank which have been fine...
  5. J

    Aquarium Plants?

    i am getting 40 plants tommorow or the next day as they have been ordered of the internet they are stated as easy to grow as this is my first tank i dont no much about plants, i basically want to know if they will survive in my tank i am not cycling my tank as i have read dave spencers post and...