
  1. Mistymercer

    Is my Betta sick/depressed or sleeping?!?!!

    I can ramble so I'll try and keep it to the point best I can. This is also my very first aquarium and fish I've EVER taken care of. About 6 months ago a friend of mine bought a Male betta (blue and orange). It was from petsmart, no idea the age. Then she put him in 1g tank for 3-5 days before...
  2. HalfTailedOwner

    Help -- Betta Fish Not Interacting?

    Hi, last Wednesday I bought a double tailed betta. Ever since then I've noticed he doesn't interact much and is growing slower. A few days ago he only stuck to one side of the tank rather and sleep in the corner. He doesn't notice when I eat or try to interact with him. At first, I thought he...