
  1. G

    Pearl Gourami Tailfin Deformed?

    Just picked up a beautiful pearl gourami for my centerpiece a few days ago, but unfortunately just noticed her tailfin is quite different looking than images I found in my research. I'd like to know if this is indeed a deformation, and if so whether this might be a long-term health issue for her.
  2. K

    Deformity in my guppy?

    Okay so a couple months ago my fish gave me a new batch of fry but one of them still had an egg attached. I thought it was going to die soon anyways so I just let it be but it's 4 months old now and she's still very much alive. So it doesn't seem to bother her but it also has more fins growing...
  3. Vengified

    Question on "Culling"

    I'm not quite sure how to put this really? I have guppies, and of course, WAY too many fry! However, I am attempting to grow them out, in multiple tanks, separating sex, feeding properly, correct water quality parameters (0/0/10), etc., so I can trade them for a small bit of store credit. I...
  4. rpgmomma8404

    Deformed Fantail Goldfish

    I've been trying to get as much advice as I can about this problem. I rescue some goldfish in May and have had them going strong since I got them. One of them is a fantail with a deformed mouth. He's been having swim bladder issues since day one but has been going strong up until now. It seems...