dalamation molly

  1. D

    Molly problems?

    Okay so last month or so I got two dalmatian mollies, a betta and an assassin snail. My betta died and I thought maybe it was because of an infection, I never noticed my mollies bothering him I always saw them minding their own. Then this week I noticed my snail was dead. I did see my one Molly...
  2. L

    Please help! Cannot find any info on this

    Can someone please help me? One of my Dalmatian molly fish is going to die if I can't figure this out. I have a 60gallon tank, with 35+ other mollies (they keep having babies and I don't know what to do with them... but that is a problem for a different day). The tank has been established...
  3. ranish

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant? If Do When Will She Drop Her Fry?

    Got a balloon Molly yesterday with a tank that I brought and previous owner told me that she is pregnant. I am confused as it is so hard to tell with balloon mollies. Please have a look and tell me what you think. If she is pregnant how soon do you think she will drop? Thanks in advance below...