
  1. G

    Bloating and Large Cyst on Tetra

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and two honey gourami. I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. The past month I have lost three fish, one gourami...
  2. Barry Tetra

    Lump appearing on betta body

    My betta have these lump appearing on his body, is this some kind of tumour? What should I do? @Colin_T
  3. Sanam

    Cyst or tumour ?? PLEASE HELP

    Okay so 8-9 days ago I purchased a crown tail betta from pets at home and named him Drogon I had his 24l tank which has a heater and a hang on back filter. It has java fern, moss balls and some floating plants. His tank was cycled and I’ve been using the API freshwater masterkit to check water...
  4. K

    Open Abscess on Goldfish

    Around 5 years ago I rescued these 3 goldfish. They were super tiny, and in that time I’ve upgraded them from a 2 gallon tank, to 10, 29, and now 60. I’m running a Fluval fx4 on the tank. I do weekly or large bi-weekly water changes. I always considered them to be thriving as they continue to...
  5. F

    Red Cyst On Pleco

    Hello all,   I've been lurking for a little while but have joined today to ask for help. My bristlenose pleco is about 6 years old and has developed a red cyst on his side (see photo). I've just noticed it as he tends to hide a lot, but I don't think it could have been there longer than 3 weeks...