
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Nells250

    Do New Plant Only Tanks Also Need Cycling?

    I have read that a new plant-only tank needs to be cycled like any other. Is the process just as important to plants as fish/shrimp? Due to space and electrical outlet restraints, I can't just plug in a new tank somewhere and wait like "normal people" can. BUT I also don't want to loose...
  2. PackardG00SE

    Should I do a water change?

    I just set up my first fish tank about 2 weeks ago. I added fish to it 10 days ago. I tested the water. It is low in ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, but relatively high in minerals like copper and iron. I had planned to do my first water change tomorrow, but now I’m not sure if that’s such a...
  3. L

    Am I nearly cycled or did I mess up

    Posted a recent thread as I started cycling my new tank on 20/11 and had a bacterial bloom. Since that thread I've been super busy with work and haven't had time to measure out and add ammonia, all I've...
  4. L

    Is this normal when cycling?

    Apologies its been ages since I started a tank from scratch, am following the guidance on here but not 100% sure this is normal. I set this tank up on 20/11 and added filter media gunk from my other tank, some flakes (didn't have bottled ammonia to hand) as well as some API Quick Start. From...
  5. moonmist

    Help ID algae? Bacteria?

    Hi everyone. My tank has been cycling for a little over 2 weeks now (only plants) and I’ve been noticing some VERY tiny brownish almost red dots everywhere like on the glass and especially on my Monte Carlo plants, it’s extremely light and you can’t really see it unless you’ve got your face...
  6. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Well, since I transferred my artemias to other containers that are still now on the porch, then I transformed a brine shrimp culture (for my term paper from my Major in Biology) to freshwater. This is the setup: • Size: 15.74" length x 11.81" height x 9.84" width, 7.29 gallons; •...
  7. Kyanite14

    Stuck at .25?

    Hey guys, I’ve got a planted community tank that I started about 3 months ago. I had done a fish in cycle with 2 danios, and used a filter cartridge I had left at a pet stores established tank for a week. The ammonia readings after adding the cartridge were a constant 0, so I started to add my...
  8. BBfishes

    I had to drain my tank and disinfect, what’s the best way to recycle the aquarium fast while having fish already in it?

    how do you cycle a new aquarium while already having fish in the tank? How to make sure the fish don’t die with the fluctuating of the tank getting established again?
  9. JayLB

    Tank WILL NOT complete cycle

    Ammonia around 1.0 Nitrite around .25 Nitrate 5.0 PH is 7.0 Temp is 80 20 gallons Fishless Just completed 50% water change prior to this test, only difference was nitrite was maybe closer to .25 than it is now. Water has been at these parameters for literally WEEKS. HELP ME COMPLETE CYCLE...
  10. V

    Today I found out that my parents know nothing about cycling

    I asked my parents for help because I want to set up a new betta tank. They've been keeping fish for years and currently own a community tank and a turtle tank. I said, "I'll have to wait like a month for it to cycle." They had no idea what I was talking about. They said they've never waited...
  11. V

    Betta separated - now what?

    My betta in a community tank killed a fish when I came home from vacation. So now she's in a quarantine tank, and I'm going to have to get another tank for her permanent home. I already know about the basics, but my biggest question is, will I need to cycle the tank? I already have a 20 gallon...
  12. Sparklehoofs

    At my wits end with this cycle? Desperately need advice please.

    Hi, I am cycling my sump for my Betta rack system. I am using the API Freshwater Kit. I shake the living daylights out of all the bottles before use to avoid the crystallisation. I have cycled 5 tanks previous to this with the fish food method and had no issues whatsoever. This time I decided...
  13. M

    Cloudy water, no fish, please help?

    Hello, I’ll start by saying i am a massive beginner in this hobby and i’m just looking for some help :) My tank is a 10 gallon tank with a filter, heater, and bubbler. it has four fake plants and a piece of wood, all of which were rinsed thoroughly with water. the gravel is from petco, and was...
  14. Woodlol

    10gal to 30gal Transition!

    Query! I have a 10gal setup in my office, just got a 30gal tank that I'm transitioning to. My question is, I'm due to do a water change in the 10gal, would adding the water from the mature planted 10gal to the 30gal aid in speeding up the cycling process in the new tank? I'm going to...
  15. SRbettas

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    Hi all it’s been a while but I’m glad to be back. Anyway as the title says I am setting up my first dirted tank and have a couple questions. Firstly, how do I know which soil is safe, I’ve heard organic topsoil is best but I’m scared I’m going to put something toxic in my tank? I’m also very...
  16. M

    Top fin Readistart Nitrifying Bacteria Starter

    I just purchased a larger tank for my betta fish (switched from a 5 gallon to a 10 gallon) and I had to do a 100% water change since my fish had just recovered from fin rot and the medication I used was not suitable for the live plants I put in his new tank. Since I had to do a 100% water change...
  17. F

    Fishless cycling help

    Hello! I started my fishless cycling process about 2 weeks ago. I added the right amount of Dr Tims ammonia to my 8G tank. I’m also adding nitrifying bacteria every so often too. The ammonia reading is about 3.0ppm and my nitrite is around 2.0ppm . Does this mean the cycling is working? And if...
  18. katienewbettakeeper

    High nitrites, low ammonia, what to do next?

    Okay so i’ve been cycling my ten gallon tank for about a week. I started with an initial dose of about 3ppm ammonia (looking back probably too high) and waited a couple days. I added a full cap of seachem stability on the first day and have been adding a half cap every day since. By day four...
  19. I

    Fishless cycling

    Hello everyone! I've picked up a 10 galoon aquarium and planning to have some neon tetras and a honey gurami. I wanted to get cycling right. After some looking around I think I'll go with fishless cycling. Do you recommend I buy the whole set from dr tims aquatics?(His ammonia and one and only...
  20. M

    ammonia = zero, after 1 week?

    Hi, new to having fish and learning about cycling. I have a 5 gallon tank. I am doing a fishless cycling. I've been putting in fish pellets and blood worms everyday for 1 week to create ammonia. I tested ammonia after 7 days and it's at zero. Nitrite and nitrate is also zero. Tested again...
  21. D

    Help getting ammonia to drop in 24 hours?

    I believe my tank is nearly cycled, however I am at one last hurdle in regards to my ammonia dropping. For nearly two months I've been dosing the ammonia to 3ppm and then testing the water 24 hours after. Usually it reads about 2ppm. About 72 hours after, the ammonia is at 0.25ppm. This has...
  22. Cuileann

    pH out of wack

    Hello, I’m very new to the hobby and it was an emergency rehoming situation to which I obtained the fish. Long story short, I have the fish in a 54 litre but I am currently cycling a 105 litre for them. The 54 litre with the fish is currently cycling too The problem is my pH levels are not...
  23. S

    Never ending ammonia issue

    Problem is we keep getting ammonia spikes, we changed water daily and it went good now it’s back to crap. Today the worst it’s been since sitting at 4. Question is I currently have the fish in a 100L tank. But I also have a spare 25L tank. Should I start cycling this tank, if so how long before...
  24. Jan Cavalieri

    Starting a salt-water /reef and fish tank - how to cycle it?

    Since I didn't want to sink thousands of dollars into this I bought a 32 gallon Biocube (and am now sinking thousands of dollars on extras and modifications) - but I'm just about ready to mix my salt water. Since I am renting this duplex I didn't want to permanently alter the plumbing so I...
  25. Kaystojj


    Hey everyone! I hope you’re well :) this is my first post so please be kind! I’ve been reading so much conflicting info about high nitrites and I’m super confused. Im extremely new to keeping fish and I want to get it right! I was told by my local fish shop to cycle my fish tank for 24 hours...
  26. tubeteeth

    I need help. Huge ammonia spike, won't go down.

    I have been trying to cycle this 10gal tank for 4 months now. I put in fish food once, and it had a massive ammonia spike over the chart reading and it won't go down. I've been doing daily 50% water changes for a month now and there is no change. Algae is growing, my plants are doing fine, but...
  27. S

    No nitrates are present anymore.

    Hi all. I've being doing a fishless cycle with my 19L tank. The cycle has been doing really well and recently I finally started having Nitrites and Nitrates showing up. I kept at it for a while as the Ammonia wasn't going down at all.y Nitrates ammonia and Nitrites were well over what the test...
  28. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Hey guys. This is going to be where I keep my water changes (I also have a Google Sheet). I really just want to keep up with my results and see if they are normal and where they are supposed to be! Your advice is welcome and appreciated. Plants: - Amazon Sword - Dwarf Hairgrass - Umbrella...
  29. crupp29

    Unusual Testing Results

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank that I have been trying to cycle for over a week now. At first I was adding beneficial bacteria to the tank, but then I got a hold of filter media from an established tank. Before I put the media in the filter, my ammonia was at about 2ppm from dosing a small...
  30. W

    self-doubting my cycling knowledge

    Hi all, this is my first time posting in any forum besides reddit and I always come to this site when searching for answers so why not finally sign up. Please be nice, I'm quite nervous haha. Currently I own a small cycled tank set up for my 3 year old amano shrimps from past tanks, I'm taking a...
  31. D

    Do you do water changes while cycling?

    I've read mixed things on if you're supposed to do water changes or not during cycling. My ammonia level is about 8ppm nitrite I would say is between 0 and .25ppm and no Nitrate is id about 20 ppm. I have 2 live plants in there if that helps. And im supposed to be doing anything to my tank or...
  32. sweeteybabey

    Strange White Film In Cycling Tank?

    I've been cycling my tank for a few days (with flakes and Fritz Zyme 7), and I was wondering if anyone else has had this white film? I haven't tested the parameters yet (I'm planning to on Monday), but I just need to know if this is something harmful or just a natural part of the cycle? It...
  33. sweeteybabey

    Can I Use Fritz 7 As An Alternative For API Stress Zyme?

    I'm beginning to cycle my new 20G long tank, and I'm so excited! One (funny) mistake I made is buying a huge bottle of Fritz Zyme 7, thinking that it's a substitute for API Stress Zyme. But I've seen that they're intended for entirely different purposes ? Am I allowed to dose Fritz 7 weekly...
  34. carligraceee

    36g Stocking, Plants, Cycling

    Hey guys! I have created a thread similar to this but now my tank is getting closer. I have decided it was my obligation to save for a tank before I save for a car, especially since my mom is willing to pay for my car (I just wanted to help out haha). So here are some questions I have! Cycling...
  35. ellamay

    I think I’ve messed up my first Cycle.. advice please

    I’m on day 19 of my first tank cycle. I think I’ve messed up. I’ve been using the advice on this forum to cycle my tank but I think I must’ve read somewhere else that if my ammonia was below 0 it would make the pH go down so I needed to make sure I’m adding more. And I think I’ve added ammonia...
  36. ellamay

    White algae?

    I’ve only just started cycling my tank and today my partner noticed this white stuff on the wood in my tank. It looks like tiny jellyfish. Is there anything I need to do about this? I’ve been advised not to change the water until I’m done cycling. It was VERY green in there yesterday, looks...
  37. ellamay

    Beginner to fish keeping: cycling questions

    Hello! I’ve got a 105l tank, I started it 3 days ago and have put a double dose of filter boost day 1, then a normal dose today (day 3) and will continue to do this every other day for the first week as it says on the bottle. The tank was very cloudy yesterday and today it’s looking green with...
  38. A

    How to Cycle 5.5 Gal Betta tank

    I got a 5.5 gal tank today as an upgrade for my betta. I need to cycle it but I need to know where to start and what to do. Today I put rocks, water, the filter, and stress coat in the tank and a couple cups of water from my other tank. Is there a way to cycle without buying ammonia? Thanks for...
  39. S

    Cycling a Tank - Where does the friendly bacteria come from?

    I'm planning on setting up a 21 litre (5 gallon) nano early next year - I will be using RO water and remineralising. One question I have is, where does the friendly bacteria come from? Does it need to be added or is it naturally found? (I assume if using RO water, there's unlikely to be a...
  40. Z

    Advice with Cycling

    Hello all! So I have an old tank that I'm planning on setting up using tetra safestart, however I have a few questions: 1. I'd like to do a fishless cycle so want to use the TSS to jumpstart the cycle. I'll be adding ammonia to the tank but I'm unsure how much to add? The tank is about 68...