
  1. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  2. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    (Apologies if this thread gets photo heavy. The post below was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my neighbor's fireworks weren't as loud as I thought, and I had some issues uploading pictures. Hopefully everything works now.) The same relative I got the 55 gallon aquarium from also had three...
  3. Tyler_Fishman

    New Betta!

    recently at petco I picked up a female labeled as a baby. I did not want another red veil tail, so I purchase this..Crowntail? Not sure what she is, any ideas? Hopefully her color will change eventually too. Anyways very curious and healthy fish
  4. mrstwalker

    Betta: Shredded Fins. Help!

    I recently moved and now live in a place that runs off of city water. I purchased the API water conditioner (store was out of Seachem prime -- I hear that is the best you can get). I also transported all of my cycled media to jump start my cycle. I haven't been able to test the water parameters...
  5. B

    My Very Own Set Up, New Love For My Fish.

    Hey so I decided to join this forum and to quit annoying my friends with pictures of my fish and aquarium. I really would like to gain new friends that could help me expand my knowledge on Aquarium life and to hear me rant about all my fish and aquarium detailed stories! (As I of course would do...
  6. S

    I Just Got A New Crown Tail. What Do You Guys Think About Him..

    What's up guys.. I'm pretty new into this betta game. Well i just purchase a crowntail betta fish and  I never seen this color before and was wondering if he was a rare breed haha what color is this little monster..  
  7. mrstwalker

    Crown Tail Betta

    This is my Pretty boy Mistletoe. He is my absolute favorite betta fish I have ever had and my very first crowntail betta! I love him so much!
  8. mrstwalker

    Something Wrong With My Betta?!

    I have a beautiful ruby red male crown tail named Mistletoe who has the best personality! Until I could get a new home for him I had him in a large glass vase (he was a christmas eve gift)    He was in the vase for about 2.5 weeks, during his stay in the vase i did a 50% water change daily and a...
  9. AlitaConejita

    Short Tail Fin? Will It Grow?

    Hi all,   I was looking at bettas at my local petstore yesterday and then at images of crowntail bettas (just googled it: and I realized that my betta's tail fin is...
  10. M

    My New Crowntail Betta Virgo!

    My new crowntail betta! Hes called virgo