
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JackGulley

    I'm feeling discouraged about my pygmy cories.

    So last month I got 6 pygmy cories to add to my 20gal community tank (relevant threads) with platies, zebra danios, and cherry shrimp. I really loved seeing them school at first. But, I don't think they're doing very well. Of the 6 I bought, 2 were unhealthy and died after a day or two. Another...
  2. C

    How often to feed the corys

    Hi there, Im relatively new to the hobby and I am wondering how much to feed my 6 peppered Cory in one tank and 7 albino (5 young) Cory in another tank. Everywhere always says what they can consume in 2-3 minutes. I do rotate but their main source of food is the hikari mini algae wafers but...
  3. J

    Corydora seems like it got hurt scales , please help

    Hello everyone. Can anyone help me here please. Today i noticed that after, a bit more than a year, and everything has been fine, one of my Corys have something on the side, almost like if he scratched with something or crashed with something and got hurt. But im not sure how something like this...
  4. S

    Out of control!!

    I have a 60 litre tank that is in perfect balance with gouramis neon tetras bsn plecos and 2x albino corys and 1x salt and pepper corys and a few shrimp It is fine at the the moment however i have noticed at least a hundred cory eggs im worried that it will tip the tank over the edge I dont...
  5. K

    Please help!! Corydora catfish skin peeling!

    hello! I am so scared and in desperate need of help. My 3 corydoras skin is peeling and they are not eating. One of my albino dojo loaches was floating at the top but he would swim away when I went to net him. I thought they were all dead due to cloudy eyes and lifelessness but when I went to...
  6. J

    Corys not eating

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with two albino corys, one angelfish, two red eyed tetras and a black skirt tetra. The corys have been reacting very strangely in the tank and are constantly swimming up and down the sides of the tank. It looks like they are eating algae but the problem is...
  7. T

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    Hi   I have had tropical fish tanks for quite a few years now but have all been 100L or less. I now have a 200L tank and would like some help with what fish to add.    It is a planted tank that currently has the following: 2 Bristlenose plecs 5 corys 9 zebra danios 6 golden barbs 3 tiger barbs 3...
  8. Barb-barian

    Panda Corys And Dwarf Lobster

    My lady has a few panda corys in her tank now and fell in love with the Mexican dwarf lobster while at a shop.  We were curious if this could work out? My logic is that the dwarf lobster will only get to be 1.5-2 inches big so he will be about the same size of the corys.  They are both active at...
  9. F

    Platy Is Pregnant Move To Cory Tank?

    I have a pregnant wag tail platy about a week into the pregnancy. I have 3 tanks available to move her to and and let fry develop in. options are as follow 10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco 2 synodontus catfish a male and female...
  10. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  11. C

    I Have 2Albino And 2 Peppered Corys, Should I Buy More Peppered Or Mor

    Hi :) i have 2 albino and 2 peppered corys :D should i buy more peppered or more albino? They all school together so far and they all seem to like eachother :3 But the only problem is i have room for only 2 more before my tank is fully stocked, should i buy one more of each or 2 pepered or 2 albino?
  12. F

    Help! Cory Feeding

    Hi,   I have just got three corys x2 sterbai and x1 julii, I have them in a tank with x8 assorted danios. I feed my danios a variety of flake food and the aquarium store I got the corys from told me to feed them a spirulina tablet. This is the first time I have fed my corys since brining them...
  13. tmoney7

    What To Stock For My 10 Gal

    Okay so i got another 10 gal going but it is only in its 2nd day of cycling so i have a ways to go before i actually can put anything in it, but i was trying to decide on what i want to put in it.  I personally love the small schooling fish but you don't have very many options for a 10 gal there...
  14. D

    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Hey all!   I've currently got a 200L tank (roughly 50-ish ?US? gallons) which I'm planning on converting into a tropical community setup. (At the moment it's housing some goldfish, which will be going on a permanent vacation to my aunt's house, lol. ) The specs are: 122cm(L) 36.5cm (D) 45cm(H)...
  15. chelsiethegreat

    Tankmate Advice: Corys And What?

    right now i have 4 emerald cory cats, and two juli cory cats. ideally i would like to acquire two more julis.. i'm just waiting on my local fish store at this point..   i have a 15 gallon tank.. all natural with a couple plants and a few nice peices of driftwood...   i would kindof like to get a...
  16. RCA

    Moist Pelleted Fish Food

    I recently acquire a pot of small tropical pellets, called Firstbite, link at bottom of post.  I thought these were great, especially for my Bettas as they are moist so I guess they do not need pre-soaking.  I find with some of the Bettas though they need to learn that the food now sinks and...
  17. S

    Re-Making My Community Tank

    Hey, currently I have a rio 240 with a gravel substrate with plastic plants. I'm thinking about changing my tank around maybe going planted with 6 corys but I'm curious to as which fish would look and go best with them and which fish I currently have that I could keep and whether or not I need...
  18. ghettofarmulous

    Black Sand Suitable For Cory's

    Hey guys,   I am looking for advice on type of Black sand that others are using for cory tanks. I have read up on black Diamond sand but this seems to be available in the US and not UK. I live in scotland and have used play sand with great sucess but i want to change to a black sand that is cory...