
  1. outofwater

    Cory hiding, acting strange

    I have 5 cories in my 29g. 2 albino (male and female), 1 bronze female, and 2 peppered males. A couple of days ago I noticed the male albino was acting funny, or so I thought when I saw him head deep into my sword plant. Yesterday I noticed he was laying on a plant kind of sideways, I tapped the...
  2. P

    Tons Of Questions

    So i started my tank about two months ago,  55 gallon with two quiet flow 50s (Yeah the guy at Petco was a real slick talker), i have a german ram and two electric blues (had another blue but mysteriously died), 5 von rio tetras, 3 congo tetras(plan on getting 2 or 3 more once the pet store gets...