
  1. C

    Please Help!! Cory badly injured! Urgent

    Please help in identifying what happened? Yesterday she was perfectly fine and happy. I did do a water change yesterday. And woke up to my Cory looking like this. I think she is going to die but I need help in knowing what happened. Is it a heater burn? Or something else. I'm so very sad as I've...
  2. SpiritedDevil

    Missing in Action!!!

    Hi, so im new to this forum type of stuff. But as of now i have a problem in locating my cory catfish. I have a 75 gallon fish tank. Within the tank i have 4 electric blue cichlid rams. 2 firemouth cichlids. 2 baby plecto. And 4 corycatfish. originally i had 4 corys then i woke to find 1...
  3. Crazy_fish_mom


    I'm new to the forum thing but I'm excited to share what I know. I currently have these fish and tanks: 10gallon Mr. Whiskers-Gourami Rebel-Betta Adam-Cory Catfish 6 ghost shrimp- unnamed 5 gallon Midnight-Betta Cory 1&2- Cory catfish 2.5 gallon Luka-Betta 2 gallon Phoenix- Betta...
  4. M

    New Tank

    Hey guys,  So I started a new tank over a week ago now, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I received a 44 gallon tank (bare) as a christmas gift. I bought a filter, heater, rocks (substrate) and starter kit for my new tank and started cycling it. The next day, I added 3 harlequin rasboras...