cory fry

  1. C

    Bloated cory fry

    I have recently hatched Corydoras eggs for the first time. I have 3 fry currently in a breeding tank floating in the main tank. Two of them seem fine and are behaving as expected, but one of them seems to have a bloated abdomen and is struggling to swim or move around. Can anyone tell me what...
  2. K

    Cory fry swimming too much??

    My corys had 100+ eggs and about 60+ hatched and now I have probably 40-50 fry that are a few weeks old (2-3 weeks), they are swimming all over the breeder box and I noticed today they are basically all swimming up the sides of the breeder box.. should I be concerned? Are they not getting to...
  3. greenmumma141

    C. Aeneus Fry- When To Move Them?

     I currently have a little "fry box" of c. aeneus fry that is sitting in my 60g.  I'm a little hesitant to move then to my 10g shrimp (a small group of pearl blues) tank.  I've never made it to this stage with any cory fry before, so I was hoping someone with some experience could tell me at...