
  1. G

    Ich on my angel fish? Advice appreciated

    Hey everyone! I need some help figuring out whats wrong with my angel fish. I just noticed several white bumps on only one side of my fish. It sounds gross, but they almost look like zits that have pus coming out of them? I’m worried that it might be ich. I’m unfamiliar with the parasite, but I...
  2. ella777


    I'm confused. I recently acquired 4 algae eating snails, I'm not sure what species they are. They arent nerite snails, they're covered in algae so I really can't tell. I've noticed one of them has a white mark on its underside, I can only see it when it's on the glass. I'm not sure if its eggs...
  3. ella777

    Why is my rosy barb glass surfing?

    Hello! My male rosy barb (Jeff) has lived in a 70l tank for almost three years. I brought him home with two friends. They seemed happy together, but then they died (cant remember how). This was about one or two years ago and Jeff seemed happy by himself. (There were other fish in the tank just...
  4. ella777

    Substrate is confusing.

    Hi, I have just got a 200l tank and I'm not sure what substrate to use. Some people say hydroton clay balls are best but others say the Seachem Fluorite is best. The tank I got comes with a ton of gravel which I would love to use but I'm not sure if it's good? I dont know the name of it as it...
  5. R84achey

    2 lemon tetras dead in 24hrs no obvious signs

    I’m so confused right now & sad right now. I’ve had 2 lemon tetras die in 24 hours. I’ve obviously removed them and there’s no obvious signs of illness or injuries. My parameters are ph 7 ammonia zero, nitrite zero and nitrates in the 5-10 range. I’ve had the tank set up around 2 months now, it...
  6. R84achey

    Confused by cycle

    Hi all So 3 days ago I started to cycle my tank. I added 3ml of ammonia and confirmed the amount by testing the water which measure 3.0mg/l. Here I am testing again and ammonia (nh3 & nh4) are now at 0mg/l, Nitrite is at 0.3mg/l & nitrate is at 25mg/l. I’ve read through the fishless cycle...
  7. R84achey

    New cycle help ?

    Ok guys so my tank is up and running. I have included photos of my tests below. The tests have been completed after adding dechlorinator and biological starter. I am also using a filter that has been used previously by the person I purchased the tank from I just rinsed these under tap water. I’m...
  8. R84achey

    Gravel help!!!

    Hi Guys & Gals, So my gravel has arrived it’s been thoroughly rinsed. However I have only added 15kg so far and to me it looks like enough. However when checking the calculators etc it’s saying I need at least 25kg? What do you think? Should I open the other bag or is it enough? Ignore the...
  9. R84achey

    New to fish! Blonde needing help!

    Hi Everyone, I have just purchased a 2nd hand Juwel 180. I’ve always wanted a tank however I’m finding everything so confusing. I’m currently giving everything a good scrub as the internal ornaments are filthy. They’ve had them stored in the back garden in a bucket ?. I’m cleaning them with...
  10. fisharecool789

    am i stocking too heavy? and questions about bottom feeders for a 10 gallon????

    hey everyone! i’m really new to the fish hobby (got my tank on the 13th & cycled for 2 weeks before adding 4 guppy fries), i have a 10 gallon tank, i am planning on doing medium levels of planting (a few of the plants that look like grass and a bunch of bushels of guppy grass & maybe a few other...
  11. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...
  12. fropuf

    New Danio Tank Help

    Hi.   My brother wants some fish, and he already has selected the fish he want's: 5 danios (Glofish) I am going to have a 33 gallon for him soon to use, and it has a filter, heater, everything. I need to know how much maintenance this species will need, as well as how well they can deal with...
  13. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  14. PrachiGupta

    Identify The Fish Please! Urgent

    Hi 2 months back i was given a bowl around 12 inches with 5g of waters with 2 blue fishes and 2 mollies. Lately i am been fascinated with this hobby and want to go for a bigger tank like 30g. As a beginner i found these blue fishes really cute and active. So wanto have a school of them. So...
  15. G

    Identifing These That Have Just Appeared

    Hi im new here so hi all i was looking for advice on what these things are that have just appeared in my tank the fish in my is apleck i did have 2 but 1 died and a malawi fish thats all till tbey appeared thanks
  16. J

    What Are My Zebra Danios Upto:s?

    I had 5 zebra danios they where fine in the tank could always see at least 3 of them at all times I got them to put ammonia in my tank so It would cycle I have now cycled my tank so was going to give them away but have grown fond to them and am keeping them but I put a small silver shark in...