community aquarium

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Death by Fish Tanks

    Rebecca's 55 Gallon Freshwater Journal

    My friend Rebecca has a 55 gallon tank I helped her rescape in the past, so I thought I'd start to share its progress here. She *loves* angel and and rainbow fish. Unfortunately I forgot to save almost all of the pictures I've ever taken, so I'm starting over now. This is what her tank looks...
  2. danajs

    Nannacara Anomala (Golden Eyed Dwarf Cichlid)

    Hi all, I’m wondering if anyone has any experience in keeping this species within a community setup? Seen in my LFS today, did some research and they are recommended as a community species, but this evening I’ve read horror stories about them being psychopaths! I understand they can show...
  3. PackardG00SE

    Fish Wanted!

    I’m looking for some fish between 3”- 5”, that won’t get eaten easily, to go into a Cichlid Community Tank. The Tank currently contains: 1. Blood Parrot - 5.5” 1. Blood Parrot - 4” 1. Gold Red Spotted Severum - 4.5” 1. Turquoise Red Spotted Severum - 3” 1. Koi Angelfish - 4” 3. Diamond Tetras...
  4. D

    How many fish for my tank?

    Hey guys, I’ve tried to look online, and I’m getting a lot of contradicting advice, considering the variables depending on the fish I’m interested in. I have a 180-litre tank but only have 160 litres of water. I have a 200 Eheim pick-up filter and 200-watt heater to make up for heat loss...
  5. GothFishKeeper

    Need advice for breeding setup

    So my current setup is a 20G tank with live plants including hornwort wrapped around some spider wood as a “tree” to provide cover for my molly fry. The issue is that I have 11 full size fish in my tank, and I already have 20+ fry from one of my mollies giving birth. On top of that I have two...
  6. rebe

    Hoplo Catfish?

    Does anybody have experience with these fish? I'm researching them as a possibility for a 280L planted community tank 😁 (It has play sand for the substrate, river rocks and mangle wood. Plants to be decided.)
  7. Tacocat

    Refurbished 40ish gallon dirted tank/aquascape

    Hi! I've been inactive for a while and I've just gotten back into the hobby because my family got a hand me down tank from my cousins. Today we just did the dirt, substrate, hardscape, and first plants while also adding some bacteria bombs. We're planning to add more plants to fill in the tank...
  8. R


    Consider all as group of 6 are gold tetras as nippy as Silvertip ? Are bloodfin tetras nippy? I know all tetras can be nippy kept in small numbers, however I'm talking about in general. Are black line tail tetra anymore nippy than any other? Are they as nippy as silvertips?
  9. R


    Looking at getting more fish for my community tank. I currently have a lot of tetra such as black neon, gold, redline, white fin, green neon. ect all community. I was looking at getting Cochu blue and silvertips. Good idea ? Or will fin nipping be an issue. I also was wanting dwarf pencilfish...
  10. B

    Hello :) First-Time Forum User, Experienced Forum Browser

    Hello! My name is Shannon, I'm a US college student and I've been keeping freshwater fish since I was little. I've always sought out advice on this forum, but didn't think to make an account until now! I have two boy cats named Dart and Sprinkles, and two fish tanks. One is a 10 gallon planted...
  11. J

    My Cory’s gills are looking a bit pink and I’m afraid the betta may be picking on him.

    I’m relatively new to owning fish. I’ve done lots of research and I asked the people at my local pet store about what fish are suitable to live with a betta in a 10 gallon. I got one cory as was recommended for my tank size, three baby African dwarf frogs, four or five ghost shrimp, and one male...
  12. C


    What appears to be Blackbeard algae is growing in both my community planted tanks that seems to be killing my plants, they are not dead but they do not grow as fast as they did when they didn’t have algae. I have a lot of plants in both my tanks not sure what type all of them are but I know most...
  13. C

    Angel acting strange

    I have a 38 gallon community tank with two medium size angels( I have one more in a separate tank he’s too small for them right now I think, they where not very nice) before when I added the small angel my bigger veil tail was being a bit aggressive pecking at him. I only mention that because...
  14. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Hey guys! So this past two and half months (almost three months, I think) has been huge for my aquarium and because of everyone's contributions to my successful ecosystem I wanted to share an update with you guys! Stocking: I now have six fish in my tank as well as about a dozen or so snails...