
  1. DuchessNeeka

    Chili Rasbora question

    Does anyone have a general timeframe on how long it takes chili rasboras to get their colour back after shipping? I've had them for a week now, they have a bit of orange back but are still on the slightly pale side. I'm feeding them bbs, new life spectrum and Ultra Fresh micron shrimp patties...
  2. Tegz

    Bronze cory coloration and size

    Hi all I hope that everyone is well. Quick question regarding my Corys I got them both at the same time and they were about the same size and color but the one is now quite a bit bigger and has alot more colour is this normal?
  3. Whisp

    Help Identify Betta

    Hello everyone! I am new here and new to owning Betta fish and am confused as to what type of Betta fish I might have. When I got him from the pet store they marked him as a half moon tail Opal Betta Male, well I can't find any information on the breed of a Opal Betta? So I asked someone who...
  4. misshedge

    Guppy turning black... ish?

    My male fancy guppy (Slash) has been doing absolutely fine, and I've had him for about four weeks or so. Although, just recently, I've noticed a spot on the front of his dorsal fin that has turned solid black in the morning, and a more transparent grey in the evenings. It is also on a thin line...
  5. D

    What Is This Color Of Guppy Officially Called?

    Hey there everyone! I'm knew to this website and this is my first question. I was wondering what the color of this guppy is called and I would also like to know if it is rare. If anyone has any other info on this color of guppy, please share! Thanks :)