clean up crew

  1. KatNor21

    Clean up crew suggestions

    I have a 30 gallon long with neon tetras and honey gourami - 27 total small fish. I'd like to add some cleanup crew. I do have a couple nerite snails and they're keeping the driftwood pretty clean, but many of my plants have brown hair algae spreading around. I already have amano shrimp in...
  2. R84achey

    Will I be overstocked?

    I have a 180l juwel vision running a fluval 307 canister filter with spray bar & 2 air stones. I have switched out all my fake plants for real today after quickly realising that natural is the way to go. I have a large piece of mopani with annubias, microsorium & moss along the branches being...
  3. Guyb93

    Custom clean up crew needed

    I need a clean up crew and not a pleco they create more waste than they clean , I mean I want some disgusting waste eating creature that has to fit a few requirements They would have a big job in my 500l with a bunch of messy cichlids like a silent nanny lol my requirements are ... stay alive...
  4. Meg0000

    Clean up crew

    Hi tomorrow I am going to my LFS and I would like to get some type of clean up crew because one of my two nerite died. I would like something that can eat dead leaves and fish poop. Would ramshorn snail be a good idea and how many? I would have got shrimp but I have a paradise fish that would...
  5. P

    Cool Cleanup Crew?

    Hi I am looking for some cool fish that are good for clean up crew. I have a 20 gallon tank with one gourami and 3 zebra danios. I really want cory catfish but I don't think I can get them because my gravel is not smooth, i think? Post some pictures on this if u can on here of your gravel and...