clamped fins

  1. N


    My betta has been showing signs of clamped fins starting 3-4 days ago. He's active and eating well but I can't seem to pinpoint the issue. I got him April 8th of this year. GOING TO TREAT WITH PARACLEANSE VERY LETHARGIC AND WHITE POOP-SAME SYMPTOMS OF THE OTHER BETTA WHO DIED *****IMPORTANT TO...
  2. P

    Help! No idea what is wrong with Platy fish

    I have had my female platy Dora for about 3 months now. She was all good at first but over the last few weeks I’ve noticed her top fin looking weird, almost like it was going transparent. I’ve also noticed she’s very skinny (she’s a sunset so maybe just the type?) compared to my other females...
  3. M

    Clamped fins & tail, swim bladder or bouyancy issues

    1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) currently doing 100% water changes daily for small holding container floating in a tank for heating purpose. Fresh water with fresh indian almond leaf piece, a small live plant, Prime treated, temperature matched. 2. A...
  4. danajs

    What could be wrong with my Betta?

    Hi all, My tank is fully cycled, with ammonia 0.0, nitrite 0.0 and pH 7-8. Temperature is 26. I change about 20-25% of the water every week, using Tetra AquaSafe and Tetra SafeStart. The tank is planted with Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, Staurogyne Repens, Vallisneria Torta and RotaIa...
  5. Sbeezy

    Is my new Betta clamping?

    Sorry if this isn’t an emergency but I’m not sure where to post! I’ve never used this site before. I got this new betta from an aquatics shop on Saturday (now Tuesday). When he first got into the tank he was quite active and his fins looked a bit more showy. Since then he’s been resting and...
  6. ZenaM

    Betta fin clamping and unusual behaviour

    Hi everyone, My betta is clamping it’s fins and seems to be acting strangely. He is very lethargic, resting on the gravel for long periods and his fins seem like they have been nipped. He is in a tank with 6 neon tetras and some shrimp. I haven’t seen the tetras annoying him nor have I seen him...
  7. I

    [HELP] Clamped Fins - Young Guppy

    Firstly, I’d like to say I’m a bit new to fishkeeping, but I’m learning every day — thanks in advance for understanding. [EDIT] Picture attached is rotated — he’s always swimming horizontally. That’s just him pecking at some algae. I currently have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with some...
  8. A

    Betta fish is not eating and being lethargic

    Hi everyone, My betta has been very lethargic over the past 2 weeks, usually staying in one corner of the tank and staying at the top. He will move his fins once a while to shift a bit but then go completely still and not respond to my voice. More recently, I have tried to feed him flake food...
  9. A

    Lethargic Betta

    Hi! My betta was acting weird when I came home Thursday night. He was hiding and laying on the bottom, which is fairly normal for him, but it didn’t seem right. So I fed him and then kept the lights off. Yesterday, he was breathing hard and had clamped fins so I moved him to a plastic container...
  10. A

    Guppy With Severe Clamped Fins Please Help!!

    I've had this guppy for about a month now and 2 days ago his fins got clamped. I didnt know this wasnt bad so the next day his fins got super clamped. He swims side to side but he still eats and poops normally. He is in a very overcrowded tank. It's a 10 gallon tank with a betta, 4 guppies...
  11. D

    How long will a betta suffer from temperature shock?

    I have read posts and websites until my eyes are crossed trying to figure out what is wrong with my betta. He has been a very active, happy boy until last week. I was out of town for 3 days and when I returned home, I discovered that someone in the house (no one will own it) unplugged his...
  12. MistLaFey

    Female Betta with Clamped Fins

    This past June, a friend of mine gave me two female Betta fish in a split half-gallon tank for my birthday. I have since moved them into separate 3 gallon filtered tanks from API. One of the bettas, Scarlet, has clamped fins. She is hiding, and seems to be stressed. I changed about 50% of her...
  13. YamiHime

    Help! Sudden clamped fins!

    Hello! I got a new betta about 3 weeks ago. My tank is cycled an it is reading either 0- .25 ammomia and 0 Nitrites. It does have nitrates but I haven't checked the reading since I got him. I'm not sure what has happened. I got a new heater so the temp is always around 75-80F and I do 25%...
  14. D

    Betta Fish With Clamped Fins

    So I got my fish, Sola, a few weeks ago. She was originally living in my dorm room at school. I use Top Fin water conditioner to treat the water and kept her in a 1.5 gallon bowl with 2 fake plants (grass and something tall for her to sleep on). She was fine, active, and happy. admittedly the...
  15. LibertyMoore

    Male Guppy On Bottom Of Tank, Help?

    I have four male guppies in my tank, they are the only inhabitants. On Monday I did a water change, and the next day I noticed one of my guppies (the littlest of the bunch) seems not to be swimming much. He alternated between laying on the bottom, and hanging st the top, near the filter or...
  16. Z

    Sick Betta

    My betta has been acting strange lately. He has been floating at the bottom of his bowl, not moving very much. He has also gotten way more pale and his fins have sort of clumped together... I went on 3 day vacation, and wasn't able to feed or change his water during that time. Before I left, I...
  17. D

    Platy Is Looking Really Skinny

    Hi, my dad has a tank of platys, one died this morning. it was first stuck to the filter and then just sank to the bottom of the tank in a c shape. And now the last fully grown platy has gotten very skinny over the past few days. it looks all clamped up and its spine looks weird and bent...and...
  18. P

    Sick Platies :-(

    Plattie looking sick I have a 25l tank with 2 platies, 2 corys and a shrimp. I recently added one of the corys and the shrimp and now one of my platies is sick. :-( he seems to be clamping his fins, has stringy poo and I have seen him flash a few times but only when feeding off the bottom of the...