clamped fin

  1. D

    Guppy With Clamped Tail

    Hi all, relatively new to the hobby here. I have a 55G planted tank setup that has been running without issue for maybe 4-5 months now. Originally started with plants, then added nerite snails and amano shrimp. I also have a few pieces of driftwood in there, in case that's relevant... Anyways...
  2. SparkysBois


    Hi guys, My guppy flamingo has been clamping her fins today and I'm not sure what the cause is?? I changed the water yesterday, all params are fine. I have 70L with 5 guppies (3 babies) and 3 male platys whom she has been best friend with for months now. Here is a picture of her a couple of...
  3. biofish

    Guppy with super clamped fin

    One of my yellow guppies has an extremely clamped fin. A few days ago it looked like he had burned his back fin on the heater. I just finished treating the tank for ich, so i have the temp around 83°. I haven’t done a test on the water quality lately because I’ve been changing it 20% every 48...
  4. H

    Help! Stress or Something More?

    I have a betta fish and two nerite snails in a 10 gallon tank with heat and a filter. Amonia levels 0, ph and all other levels normal. I live in one of the areas that recently had a prolonged electrical blackout. With the power out I tried my best to keep the tank warm and clean by adding warm...
  5. J

    Molly fish holding in top fin and sitting at the bottom of the tank a lot

    Hi all, I've recently got 2 molly fish - I've had them about 2 weeks - and one of them has started tucking in its fins and sitting at the bottom of the tank a lot. I've tried upping the temperature in the tank (its sat at 80*f) and have done 2 water changes since I got them. I'm currently...
  6. B

    Start of clamped fins?

    Hi! My new betta (double tail half moon) has been living in his 3.5gal for 4 days now after buying him from PetSmart. Hes very active but today i noticed the top of his double tail seems a bit clamped. The tank has a heater, temp is around 77-78F, filter and testing for ammonia this morning...
  7. M

    Clamped fin/Partial paralysis

    We have a female Guppy that has a clamped tail and partial paralysis. She is swimming and feeding okay. None of the other fish in the tank seem to be effected. Is this something as simple as a stroke or should I start a form of treatment just in case? Any recommendations?
  8. MistLaFey

    Female Betta with Clamped Fins

    This past June, a friend of mine gave me two female Betta fish in a split half-gallon tank for my birthday. I have since moved them into separate 3 gallon filtered tanks from API. One of the bettas, Scarlet, has clamped fins. She is hiding, and seems to be stressed. I changed about 50% of her...
  9. Willard The Betta

    Help! Does my betta have velvet?

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  10. Willard The Betta

    Help! Velvet or iridescence?

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  11. Willard The Betta

    Velvet? Iredescense? I'm new to this!

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  12. YamiHime

    Help! Sudden clamped fins!

    Hello! I got a new betta about 3 weeks ago. My tank is cycled an it is reading either 0- .25 ammomia and 0 Nitrites. It does have nitrates but I haven't checked the reading since I got him. I'm not sure what has happened. I got a new heater so the temp is always around 75-80F and I do 25%...
  13. Alyssum

    Please Help: Sterbai Cory Paralysis, Twitching, "seizures"

    Please help: Sterbai Cory paralysis, twitching, "seizures" Hello, I'm posting on this forum because one of my cories has had a rapid decline in health. I've  posted on several sites and have gotten very little advice or none at all. I'm trying to be as  detailed as possible with pictures and...