
  1. Linkandnavi

    Positioning of Circulation Pumps for Planted Tank

    My new 193 US gallon tank is arriving next week. It'll be heavily planted and co2 injected, running a Fluval FX6. I've had problems in a previous 120 gallon with dead spots, particularly at the bottom of the tank and so will be using a couple of small circulation pumps to move water across the...
  2. H

    Airpump, Circulation Pump, Plants And Sand

    Hello, In the process of making a new tank, taking my time and slowly buying everything I need before introducing plants and fish. Currently, it is a 60 gallon tank, 48 x 12 x 24, at the moment just have silica sand in the tank. I have 2 x Aquaclear (Hagen) 70 Power filters, the plan is to...
  3. S

    Circulation And Diatoms

    I recently started a 20 gal long planted aquarium. I have had many aquariums but this is the first one I have had fully stocked with live plants, so I am new to the planted tank world. It has been up and running (and cycled) for about 8 weeks and no plants seem to be flourishing.  I have a T5...