cichlid aggression

  1. Stefan3289

    Territorial convict parrot hybrid help

    Hello all, The other day I noticed one of my PB convict parrot cichlids was being very territorial over a area on the right side of my tank. Currently I took him out the tank while I clean. What are some things I could try? I have 6 of them to reduce the aggression and so one doesn’t get picked...
  2. tal_boom

    A little about me and my fish keeping

    Hi, I have been fish keeping for several years now and I generally only experience with Freshwater fish aka Angelfish and the general tropicals like Molly swordtails etc. but it’s up until about 17months ago I started keeping 2 Oscars and a couple of Silver Dollars in a 100gallon tank and Midas...
  3. R

    American cichlid aggression

    Hi all new to here. I’m going to be setting up a new aquarium and I want it to be a South/central American cichlid tank bio top if I can. 400litre. Stocking wise I was wondering if a Elliott cichlid would be ok with keyholes , festivium and blue acara? Oh and a geophagus tapajos with a bunch...
  4. SAChichlidLover

    Handling Aggression.

    Hey everyone how are you all? Anyways I know quite a few people who have fish that are aggressive towards each other or just simply mixed the wrong fish and then theres me who decided to mix central and south american cichlids (turned out to be a success however in alot of cases it wouldnt have)...
  5. B

    Small african cichlids and redtail shark

    Both there I have 2 inch redtail shark and 2 1 inch african cichlids will the redtail shark bully them as he is much larger
  6. Deezy7

    Tank Mates:

    Hi everyone, Just listing the cichlids i have at the moment in my tank whom seem to be all getting along and theres no signs of over aggression. 1. Oscar 2 Green terrors 2 blue neon acaras 1. Jack dempsey 1. Black belt 1. Red terror. What's going to happen when they reach maturity?
  7. N

    Terracotta Caves...your Thoughts

    Hi All I'm in the process of introducing new cave structures into my Mbuna tank.  I currently have 3 acei, 3 red zebras, 1 johanni, and 1 common plec in a 29gl tank.  Everybody is getting along. They are about 10 months old...still juveniles.  Currently I have artificial cave structures at each...