cichlid acting weird

  1. koleary317

    African Cichlids seem unhappy

    Hello there. My wife and I have a 29 gallon tank with three African Cichlids and one Parrot Cichlid. We’ve had these guys for about 2 months now. The Parrot Cichlid has always been a bit timid, but the three African Cichlids used to swim around the whole tank and dig holes in the sand. However...
  2. tal_boom

    A little about me and my fish keeping

    Hi, I have been fish keeping for several years now and I generally only experience with Freshwater fish aka Angelfish and the general tropicals like Molly swordtails etc. but it’s up until about 17months ago I started keeping 2 Oscars and a couple of Silver Dollars in a 100gallon tank and Midas...
  3. tal_boom

    What’s wrong with my Oscar fish

    Hey all. I created a fake ivy back drop on the outside of my Oscar tank and both of them didn’t like it and started sulking as they do. But a few minutes later they got spooked and my male hasn’t been the same since (this was last night) now I’m seeing him do things his never done like messing...
  4. P

    Fish refuses to eat food

    I have a 2-year-old jaguar cichlid (around 10 inches). I usually feed him Hikari Gold pellets (medium-sized), and he was always doing fine, he was eating properly, he was active and colorful. But then a day ago when I was going to feed him, although he looked hungry as usual when I put in his...
  5. K

    African Cichlid Sitting A The Bottom of The Tank

    Hi All, I have a relatively new tank ( about a month and a half or so old) and have had 3 casualty’s so far. 1 yellow lab ( about 1.5cm )had a patch on its stomach left side like it was bitten off. Never healed, he stopped eating and was sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing hard. I...
  6. rayza1985

    Cichlid Frontosa Eating feces .....

    Hi All, Need some assistance if possible, i have 2 Frontosa's but not to big ...2 - 3 inches but one of them since the start of the week just keeps collecting feces and storing it in its mouth .....any idea why as i cant see anything on the internet .... Thanks Ray .
  7. M

    Cichlid Acting Weird

    Hello i have a cichlid that uas been not eatimg and hiding. When he comes out he is spazy and shakes. He will dart around like crazy and hide again. Plz help he might die :'(