
  1. J


    New to this. Recently just had first batch of parrot fry approx. 50-60. If some of the batch are kept together will they mate and if so will any problems come of this? Thanks J
  2. J

    Identifying fish help

    Can anyone identify what type of Severum this is please?
  3. Tacocat

    Raising ram fry in community tank?

    I have a pair of Bolivian rams that laid eggs last week for the first time in a month and I was pretty excited. The eggs disappeared a couple days ago and today I found where the wrigglers went. I know that I probably won’t have the best outcome with survival rate but I want to know if there’s a...
  4. MothMeat


    my polar blues finally had their babies, what should i do ??? at what point is human intervention necessary if at all??
  5. C


    Can anyone help me i think my fish has laid eggs, what do i do to get prepared? tia
  6. tal_boom

    A little about me and my fish keeping

    Hi, I have been fish keeping for several years now and I generally only experience with Freshwater fish aka Angelfish and the general tropicals like Molly swordtails etc. but it’s up until about 17months ago I started keeping 2 Oscars and a couple of Silver Dollars in a 100gallon tank and Midas...
  7. A

    Shell Dweller Tank question

    Hello every first time posting here, I have a question regarding a neolamprologus multifaciatus (multis) shell dweller tank I set up a little over a year ago. I bought a group of 5 multis unsexed from a LFS and put them in a 20 gallon long with 36 escargo shells i bought off amazon. I use...
  8. Guyb93

    The goon

    I don’t know what it is in this hobby but I always find the goon, the dumb meat head that contradicts everything I think The new addition for example if anybody asked me about oscars I’d say if they can eat it they will but there pretty chill all round .. The Goon decides that I’m not going to...
  9. W

    What species is this?

    Hi everyone So I’ve had this cichlid for 4 years now, I got it as an adult with my 2 razorback turtles. It’s almost 5” long. Can anyone identify the species? I’m planning of buying more of the same cichlid to live with it in my turtle tank.
  10. A

    How do i help my cichlid?

    My electric yellows fins have gone all ratty over the past few months. Im sure its not as easy to swim with average fins.. how do i fix this? I have 1 other cichlid in with it. I used ro have an angel in with it and it got ich, i started to treat and the angel died in 2 days :/ i dont want...
  11. S

    Green Terror Cichlid Mouth Issue

    I’ve noticed that my green terror cichlid has had his mouth open for awhile and hasn’t been able to close it. Occasionally it has been breathing slightly heavy but not all the time. It also sits on its nest outside of the pot all day and won’t move unless it’s provoked or if it’s feeding time...
  12. abegonzalez0221


    Hi, I have this really shy parrot fish and i’ve had her for almost a month now, she’s still really shy. She’s in my 55 with a few juvenile rainbows, they all get along fine. I was looking at her today and noticed she had a really small white marking on her fin (see picture below) but I’m really...
  13. R

    55g EBAs and Angels

    Hey all, I have a 55g tank that currently houses 2 male EBAs (still about 3in and 2in) and 9 black skirt tetras. I just picked up 1 Koi Angelfish (about the size of a quarter) to add to the tank but was wondering if I could get away with adding 1-2 more Angelfish? I currently have a 60g HOB...
  14. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Would love some aqua scaping inspiration! Post photos of your Oscar tanks below :) This is mine currently. 5ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Home to: - 1 Oscar (Rudy) - 1 Senegal bichir (Bruce) - 1 albino sailfin pleco (Boris īī ) A wee bit on the small side but everyone seems happy :)
  15. T

    What type of fish? Can anyone help? thanks

  16. Allaboutcichlids

    Flowerhorn excreting weird white balls!!!!!

    Hi, I am looking for some advice. As shown in the pictures, my flowerhorn has just started excreting white lumps. I am not sure if this is normal or if this is the start of an illness. He is eating well and looks to be in full health (no body/fin damage). I have not changed his diet (other than...
  17. Guyb93

    T-bar cichlids

    Iv been looking at ordering a fish for Xmas and it’s between red spotted severum or t-bar cichlids, and I’m leaning towards the t-bar but it would mean introducing a Central American to an all South American tank , off a bit of research I’m sure it would be an ok match , what you guys think ...
  18. V

    Advice on fin damage

    So, I’ve got a Jack Dempsey cichlid who was attacked by a green terror 6-8 months ago. There was extensive fin damage and he has regrown nothing. He lives in a 60 gallon tank with a pleco. I do water changes and make sure the ammonium and nitrate is always 0. He also always keeps his fins kind...
  19. Akila_KuKu

    Is this a Flowerhorn? (HELP)

    Hello friends, I'm a newbie here. Need a little help. Can anyone tell me is this a flowehorn or Trimac or someone else? (Video - Flowerhorn? )
  20. L

    Convict Cichlids Chasing - need help

    Hello, I bought 2 convicts whose sizes are within 2 inches for my 20-gallon tank. They were quite peaceful in the first week, but then the larger one (a male I believe) started chasing the female and took several bites on her stomach so I separated them. They are the only fish in this tank. What...
  21. Guyb93

    Could I put corys in my tank?

    I hve a 500l with an Oscar and 4 electric blue acara and a sailfin pleco , I wanted to add 5-10 silver Dollars and 5-10 salt and pepper corys , I’m thinking the SDs will be ok but not too sure about corys are they just lunch ?
  22. Guyb93

    Ever changing tank

    My last post was about my eba having there first fry , they did well it was there first eggs and they managed to have actual swimming fry , for a day .. my convicts over powered the mom and dad it was such a learning curve that certain members did warn me about my eba are fine they have a few...
  23. Circus

    Impulse Buy!

    I went in to get some more pygmy cories and saw a fish I have been wanting for a long time. An Orange Chromide Cichlid! I plan on putting it in my low end brackish tank. Any advice welcome.
  24. S

    Electric blue acara tank mates

    Currently have a pair of electric blue acara in a 45 gallon tank w plentiful cover from driftwood, rocks, and plants. Any suggestions as to compatible schooling fish, or another companion that isn’t equally eye catching ? Thought about firemouth and severnum but they’re definitely too large...
  25. J

    Mixing Cichlids

    I currently have a community tank with a Golden sevrum around 3-4”, I am wanting to change to an African Cichlid tank. How would the sevrum be along with Malawi cichlid ?
  26. D

    2nd 40 gallon breeder

    I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders, one is recently set up with a few BA tetras but I’ve decided I’m going to leave adding fish to this one for a while, in my 2nd 40 gallon breeder I also have; 6 BA tetras 5 Albino Corys 1 young Male Firemouth Cichlid Is there anything else that I could add...
  27. W

    Malawi Cichlids

    Hello All, I have recently inherited 4 Malawi Cichlids from a friend who could not accommodate them. I have had them for a month now and were originally around 1.5 inches. I’ve seen some growth maybe the largest one not far off 2 inches, but not quite. However I’m currently keeping them within...
  28. W

    German Blue Ram - First Fish

    I have recently entered the hobby, purchasing a Aquapod 56litre aquarium. Which I have included some small plants and larger rocks. I have cycled my tank and has the local fish store confirmed the conditions were now suitable for my first fish. I decided to go for a German Blue Ram although I...
  29. S

    I am defeated ....URGENT!!

    I am a new fish owner and I only learnt about nitrogen cycle today I have lost 3 fishes in the last week I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong I think it might be overfeeding and constipation. Moreover I don’t really have a water test kit cuz I can’t afford one yet. Please help! Another fish...
  30. M

    Cichlid has twisted spine (attacked by cat)

    About a week ago, my new cat attacked my 8 year old cichlid. I always thought it was a red devil cichlid but now I am not sure because it is only about five inches long and I expected it to be bigger by now. It lays on it's side but it moves occasionally and has been eating. I have been dosing...
  31. C

    Cichlid question

    This question has been answered now. I am now aware of the negative outlook on cross breeding cichlids.
  32. S

    Hello, I want to check if my tank is compatible for oscar

    The tank is 165x33x50 (cm) WxHxD, the problem is the aquarium isn't too high. Is 33 cm enough height for adult oscar? I'm planning to keep 3 oscars since the tank is a good width and depth, To note that I've been in fishkeeping hobby for long and I have no problems in water quality I do once or...
  33. K

    African Cichlid Sitting A The Bottom of The Tank

    Hi All, I have a relatively new tank ( about a month and a half or so old) and have had 3 casualty’s so far. 1 yellow lab ( about 1.5cm )had a patch on its stomach left side like it was bitten off. Never healed, he stopped eating and was sitting at the bottom of the tank breathing hard. I...
  34. C

    Jack Dempsey with Other Cichlids

    I have two fish tanks, a thirty gallon that consists of an Electric yellow cichlid, a Kenyi cichlid, and 2 peacocks, all in the range of about 3.5 inches. I also have a 55 gallon tank only with a jack Dempsey. The cichlids don’t seem to be doing to well in the 30 gallon, mostly hiding and such...
  35. Fiji

    White Blotch on Peacock Cichlid?

    Hey everyone, As stated in the title, one of my cichlids has something abnormal going on and I'd like some advice on how to fix it. It seems that he has a white "blotch" on the top of his head near the dorsal fin that may be destroying tissue :nailbiting:. Funny thing is, is that he behaves...
  36. C

    140 gallon semi cichlid tank stocking

    I'm getting an aquarium in the next few days that is going to be about 140 gallons! The dimensions are 180x50x60cm. Might have to remeasure the height though. I need some help with stocking ideas. So far I definitely know that I want a Tiger Oscar and I also have heard the firemouth cichlids do...
  37. Mallard

    40 Gallon Breeder Electric Blue Acara

    I have this 40 gallon breeder (36"x18"x16") and I definitely want to stock it with an Electric Blue Acara. I was wondering if I could fit one or two more of these cichlids (not each, but total) and which would be the best choice(s): -Firemouth Cichlid -Keyhole Cichlid -Festivum Cichlid Or, would...
  38. H

    Tank upgrade

    Hi TFF members, i have a question about upgrading my tank, i have been asking around & researching online & have been getting mixed opinions on my options. so wanted to put it to general public :) i currently have 1x jewel cichlid, 4 hillstream loaches, 16 danios, in a 100 litre (26.42g) tank...
  39. E

    ID on African Cichlid please

    Have had her for almost a year now, not 100% sure of what kind she is though, would like to find her a mate.
  40. A

    Need Suggestions for New Tank Mates

    I have a 55 gallon fish tank and started out with 2 silver dollars and an angel fish. These fish have been kept for about 2 years and the angel fish previously was very aggressive. Every angel fish we have attempted to add has been killed and many other types. After giving up for a while, we...