
  1. O

    Compressiceps Dwarf Pike Cichlid tank size

    I'm looking to keep just 1 Compressiceps Dwarf Pike Cichlid. I want to make a beautiful nano aquascape. I found a 36x8x10 nano tank for $200. A 24x14x14 for $240. would a different tank be better? please, any information would help.
  2. D

    Are these both males?

    At first I thought because the one had more color it meant male but I'm sure. Thank you!
  3. J

    Trying to sex Apistos

    I’ve had this pair of apistogramma cacatuoides for a couple months And I’m starting to doubt my assessment of their gender. I got them from Petco and they sell them as assorted. I assumed that the one with all of the orange and black was male and the pale one with the black ventral fins was...
  4. S

    fish identification and diatom algae issue

    I picked up a ram chiclid 3-4 months ago. They had the fish labeled as a German Blue Ram. However it's not coloring up and I'm not sure if this is because of bad breeding or if it might be either a Bolivian ram or gold ram instead. He does have a black spike on his front dorsal fin, although the...
  5. D

    Need Help Identifying Some Of My Fish - Video

    Hi everyone, I've got a 500 litre (roughly) fish tank, I've got a bunch of fish, the majority of which i know what they are. I was wondering if anyone could identity a few of my fish for me. (please see the youtube video - link below)     the two pleco's - i think they are just common pleco's...