cherry shrimp

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  1. Connershawzz

    Introducing cherry shrimp for Bichir food.

    my bichir are big enough now that want to start feeding live food , I don’t like blood worms cause they are to messy. I want to add cherry shrimp into my tank. Hoping they will breed and act as a sustainable food source. So my questions are , how many should i add? Is there a better type of...
  2. JackGulley

    Part of my shrimp or a parasite?

    My rili shrimp has these white “eyelashes” on it that I don’t remember seeing before and it’s kinda freaking me out. They writhe like fingers every now and then in a way that makes me really uncomfortable. They’re only on this specific spot. One of my other shrimp has a few of them in the same...
  3. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    Hi Everyone! I wanted to ask peoples opinions on using liquid fertilizer in shrimp tanks. I have a 60L planted tank containing around 30 mixed Neo Shrimp and 1 Male Betta. It is planted with Sessiflora, Montecarlo, Cryptocorne, Java Moss & Frogbit. I have been using Seachem Flourish once a...
  4. JackGulley

    A Beginner's 20g Long Aquarium (Platys + Pygmy Corys)

    Hi, I'm a relatively new member here, but you might have seen me already. I first took an interest in fish tanks this fall, and for my birthday in October my dad's coworker gave me their used 20 gallon. It's been up and running for about 3 months now, and I feel like it's really coming together...
  5. moonmist

    Help, I didn’t rinse my new plants before adding them to my tank..shrimp dying ):

    As you can see by the title, I did something really dumb ): I ordered some plants from Buceplant and I did not rinse them off/quarantine them. I’ve learned my lesson. Anyways I can’t tell if the massive shrimp die off is from a pesticide on the new plants, or from an ammonia spike from digging...
  6. moonmist

    Showing off my cherries and show me yours

    I got a few good pics of my cherry shrimps!! Take a look 👀 And show me yours!!
  7. L.Iorin

    Just realized that my Cherry Shrimp had babies

    I swear I didn't notice before lol. Now I'm worrying if I sucked up some of them when cleaning, but I don't recall seeing anything moving. They're all small, but I don't think they could be called "fry" anymore. The smallest I could see is 2 ml? Maybe 3? With orange colouring. Sooo, I wasn't...
  8. C

    Can I Add a Single Cherry Shrimp Alongside Amanos?

    Hello 👋 I have amano shrimp in my guppy tank. I originally chose them over other shrimp species because they will not be able to successfully breed and I don’t want to be overrun with shrimp. Cherry shrimp are obviously much more striking. I have read that they prefer to be in groups but does...
  9. Linkandnavi

    Can (Ranchu) Goldfish Choke on Cherry Shrimp

    This morning I discovered a cherry shrimp in my ranchu tank. I have absolutely zero idea how it got there. I have five tanks, two in the house and three in my garden office. The only tank with cherry shrimp is in the house and the ranchu tank is in the office. The ranchu tank is pretty bare...
  10. Circus

    Large Cherry Shrimp

    My nicest looking large female shrimp. I do have others with similar or better coloring, but they tend to be smaller. She was born in my tank going on two years ago. Most of my large shrimp died when I had a tank crash. She is currently my largest red cherry shrimp as well. I only just recently...
  11. Honey Fish

    Shrimp 🦐

    I have recently been told in another thread called best fish for a 3 gal tank ( check It out!) that I should basically get some shrimp now this is a there about how to care for shrimp what shrimp should I get etc. I will be getting a new tank. ( Vote please!)
  12. Oman

    Tank of yellow cherry shrimp dead

    Hi guys, I had a tank of 9 yellow cherry shrimp and over the last week they have all died, there was one left but it died last night. Whilst inspecting the corpse of the final one I have noticed small red markings and circles, does anyone know what this is from? Maybe a parasite? The tank also...
  13. Circus

    A nice trade in!

    I traded 4 gallon bags of water lettuce for some celestial pearl danio for my 25 gallon hex tank! I also got an accidental shrimp. The CPDs are in with 8 pygmy corydoras and a bunch of cherry shrimp and some pond snails. They don't like to sit still, but here are some pictures of the tank.
  14. R

    Cherry shrimp dying

    We have/had 6 cherry shrimp along with some guppies and black catfish (can't remember the name of them buy they can go with shrimp), we have had them about 3 weeks and yesterday 1 shrimp was dead, this morning I woke up and saw another had died. Is this normal or should I be looking into...
  15. D

    Tank Capacity?

    Hi All, I'm thinking of getting the aquastyle 620 tank dimensions are 62cm W x 52cm H x 39cm D. It says the capacity is 90L but when I put it in to Aq advisor it says it's 120L and I'm mega confused. Would this stocking work? My tap water GH is 1-2 and PH is 7.56 - 8.01 2 Dwarf Gourami 6...
  16. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    I've been having some problems with my cherry shrimp. They seem to keep dying and the female's eggs are going bad. At first, I thought it was fungi but now I think it's probably parasites. I saw a male with what looked like 2 white stripes inside his thorax. And today I saw a worm on the glass...
  17. BrandoBn29

    How can I start a colony of cherry shrimp?

    Hi guys!, I’m looking to start a cherry shrimp colony with my bn plecos. What can I do to increase breeding and get the best results. The tank is 40 gallons and I have 10 -14 cherry shrimp with some java moss.
  18. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    My first generation of cherry shrimp have recently become berried and are ready to hatch the second generation. Seeing as I started with only 4 founders, I'm really happy about it. I've kept them for around seven months now without issue but only now I'm getting some shrimp death. Here's what...
  19. Natabettas

    Shrimp questions

    Hey. I’m pretty new to shrimp. Just got my first three a month or so ago. I am wondering the genders of these two shrimp. My guess was #1 is male and #2 is female but looking for a second opinion from other shrimp keepers. I also was wondering how you can tell if a female is berried? Any tips...
  20. R

    Cherry shrimp breeding, how to keep the red?

    I bought 4 beautiful cherry shrimp from my LFS, they are all solid red in colour. They've now bred and the first generation is reaching adulthood. None of them are red. Many are clear, some have dark patches on them. I have a passing knowledge of genetics, for example I know that recessive...
  21. R

    White ring of death!!

    I just bought my first cherry shrimp of recent. I've had them for a few months now, they're reproducing and doing fine. They are in an established 5 gallon, heavily planted. One female has developed a white ring of death :(. From what i've researched there could be a few reasons. I've been doing...
  22. S

    Red Cherry Shrimp - Beginner who doesn't want them to breed

    Hi All I have a Nano tank (21 litre/5 gallon) which I've had many challenges with previously, which, due to tragedy, is now empty again. I've decided to give myself a fair number of months to sit down and put together everything I've learned so far, but also carry out more research knowing...
  23. R

    Idle, inactive cherry shrimp

    I bought some cherry shrimp for the first time recently, got 5 of them from a LFS. I've put them in a tank with otos, CPDS and Amanos. I've been keeping amanos for a while with great success, so I figured I was ready. This tank is only 10g, but its well over 3 years old. It's heavily filtered...
  24. S

    how to lower tds for shrimp tank? (also preggie shrimpy, tips please? :>?)

    Hello! im a new shrimp owner (cherry shrimps) i recently found out two of my females is pregnant. i dont want to see anymore pregnant shrimp dying because it happened before (only once and it was traumatic ) im worried if my water TDS will effect their pregnancies since mine is over 300ppm. I...
  25. Circus

    My Tanks!

    In my circus of an apartment I have several small and medium tanks. This will be a collection of pics of my tanks and fish. This first one is of the fish in my "Red" tank. It has cherry shrimp, ember tetra, a female betta, and temporarily some pygmy corydoras.
  26. cmhassinger

    Does my Red Rili Shrimp have a disease?

    So a few days ago I noticed my shrimp has some yellowing under his shell. At first my thought was it’s the fish food but after looking at it I guess that’s not possible because of where it is? Maybe this is a silly question but I just want to make sure he is ok and doesn’t have a disease.
  27. cmhassinger

    Cherry shrimp dropped eggs

    So I have two shrimp one cherry and one what I thought/was told was a Amano shrimp. I didn’t know the sexes but one day I saw a sac of yellow eggs on a leaf. After research I now know my cherry is a female but from reading online they can’t breed with a Amano shrimp? My sucker fish ate the eggs...
  28. Alexandriel

    Color Rating for Cherry Shrimp?

    Hello! I just got a handful of cherry shrimp from a friend, and I plan to reach out to the local pet store to see if they will give me any in store credit for all the shrimp babies once these guys start reproducing. They are all a nice solid red (in my rather uneducated opinion), but I was...
  29. H

    Tank Help

    so im pretty new to the aquariam hobby but i want to get an African Dwarf Frog. ive done tons of research and think im ready. however i was wondering some things. i want to get a 10 gallon tank recommendations for best heater and filter for ADF? Also do the plants need to be real, and if so...
  30. A


    Hi, I currently have a male betta veil tail in a 3 gallon tank and he is fairly docile and tame. I've only ever owned my betta because I took him in after having to use a betta fish in a somewhat cruel and cramped ecocolumn experiment at school. I've been wanting to upgrade him to a bigger tank...
  31. E

    my new cherry shrimp are swimming non stop.

    I just bought 5 cherry shrimp for my 125 liter tank and the tank is well cycled and the temp Ph etc. are in range of what cherry shrimp need but they are still swimming around nonstop and i dont think the female has shed but i dont know for sure, does anyone else know what behaviour this is?
  32. L

    Betta attacking cherry shrimp, what can i do?

    Hello, Ive had my male betta for around 2 months now. I decided to get 5 cherry shrimp for the betta tank. On the first day the betta did not appear to be attacking the shrimp and was just following them around and looking at them. Now it has been 3 days and I have witnessed my betta attacking...
  33. A

    Moving Pregnant Cherry Shrimp

    Hi everybody, A couple of days ago I found out that one of my female berried cherry shrimp is pregnant. This is my first time experiencing this so I have a few questions. 1. I have a heavily planted tank, with five guppies (who are very curious about the shrimp and usually scavenge for food down...
  34. K

    Fish dying for no reason??

    I have recently been having trouble with my tank. I have a 54 litre tropical tank which I keep a betta, harlequin rasbora and many cherry shrimp in there. But today, I have found 5 shrimp dead and every day I’m finding at least one shrimp dead. I’ve lost 4 harlequin rasboras as I noticed that...
  35. D

    Cherry Shrimp, Male or Female?

    Can someone help me identify this cherry shrimp to see whether it is a female or male. It is the one that has the white thing on the top of it.
  36. twintanks

    Can Cherry Shrimp Lose Their Colour?

    When I first set my tank up last November, I included four cherry shrimp. They were then very tiny, but all of them were pinky-red. Since then, they have spent a fair bit of time in the Fluval-filter bracket, although they do come out on occasions. Just recently I spotted one of them pedalling...
  37. twintanks

    Shrimps In Filter

    When I stocked my new tank a couple of weeks ago (after cycling, of course), I had not been considering having shrimps. Then I saw these cute little things scuttling about on the tank floors in the local fish shop and decided to have four. Now, I think they're cherry shrimps (I did look at the...
  38. Mamashack

    R. O. Water And Salty Shrimp For Blueberry Neocaridina Heteropoda

    Some of you may know that I recently bought some Blueberry Neocaridina heteropoda (cherry shrimp) As their name suggests they are blue rather than red. The guy I bought them from at Kesgrave Tropicals has said something very strange and unexpected - having an email conversation over 2 weeks...
  39. B

    Cherry Shrimp And Ghost Shrimp

    I was wondering if ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp can live in the same tank? I have five small cherry shrimp and would like to add more shrimp if they don't get much larger. 
  40. A

    Berried Cherry Red Shrimp

    Hi everyone! Since moving a few of my cherry shrimp into a tank with my baby guppys I have noticed this morning that Mrs Chilli has green eggs under her tail! I was just wondering how it works exactly. Will she bury her eggs in the sand or carry them around with her? What are some tips for...