cherry barbs

  1. C

    Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I'm looking for advice/opinions on stocking. I've posted before about having issues with live bearers due to soft and acidic waters. Instead I'm going for different fish and so far have had a lot more success. Below I have included my stocking, and was thinking of adding albino Cory's to...
  2. O

    Sexing Cherry Barbs…

    Hi guys, First of all I want to say I know that this sized tank is unsuitable for the fish. I was misinformed by LFS and am working on rehoming them. For now I’d like some help on sexing them. I was told they were all males however some of them look brighter than others and after looking at...
  3. Aeroase

    Stocking Questions!

    Hi! I have a 10gal tank with 4 false julii’s, a dwarf gourami, and an otocinculus (i know they do better in groups, i just haven’t found a shop to get some from that aren’t half dead in the store). The tank is heavily planted and fully cycled! The fish that are in there are doing good. My...
  4. ToriAndAlice

    Hi! I'm new and i have a few questions :)

    Hi, I'm Tori and I have 10 cherry barbs in my tank which is relatively small in comparison to all the enormous ones everyone else seems to be able to afford. I also have two yellow rabbit snails called Francis and Alice, who was my first ever aquatic creature, hence ToriAndAlice. I'm wondering...
  5. Gina_TheBetta

    Plenty of Platys

    I have 2 female betta and 5 platys (2 orange 3 red wags, 3 males 3 females). I adore female fish. They're in my 20 gallon. Then I have one female betta, 2 cherry barbs and 3 albino cherries. 3 cherry shrimp 3 ember tetras and 3 snails. I dont know why I got pairs of 3, I just did. I feel I'm...
  6. Gina_TheBetta

    A Quick Study

    Salutations hobbiest. After months of debating whether I should get a lizard or fish I chose (drum roll please) Fish. I now have a 10 gallon for my female standard veiltail betta. After changing and rearranging I found she did well with the 2 cherry barbs and 3 albino cherries, where as she was...
  7. R

    Help! Fish struggling to stay up, swim bladder problems?

    I have a cherry barb in a 20 gallon tank who is beating his front fins frantically and swimming upward in order to stay up, otherwise he sinks to the bottom. It seems like his swim bladder isn't working and he can't "float" in the water like before. I've had cherry barbs die of this in the past...
  8. chrisdenyer

    10G Tank Stocking

    Hi guys, so I have a 10g tank which currently has 5 rummnynose tetras, and I really want to get a cockatoo apisto, or a pair since it seems pretty hard to find them for sale singly... I've read a lot of stuff saying that the apisto can work in a 10g with a school of tetra, wondered what you guys...
  9. AnthonyMarchese

    Is My Tank Still Cycling Or Is There Something Wrong?

    Ok so I set my tank up a little less than a month ago and it is supposed to be a turtle tank. I had the tank running for about two weeks and a week with live plants.than i put the fish in and had them in for a few days before i put the turtle in. After that they hid in the corner by the filter...
  10. R

    Cherry Barbs Swiming Upwards, Dining For Exhaustion.

     One day I noticed that one of my older cherry barbs was swimming upward, like he was struggling to stay afloat. I thought it was swim bladder disorder, and I did everything I could, but he died, I think from exhaustion. Then two of my younger barbs stared swimming like they were struggling up...