celestial pearl danios

  1. J

    Celestial pearl danio feeding habits

    Hi guys, i recently got 3 cpds for my 10g tank (will be adding more as time goes by, i do not want any ammonia spikes). They are a really shy bunch and they hardly ever eat the food i throw into the aquarium unless it has sunk to the floor. I have noticed that if they feel like eating they will...
  2. r.w.girard

    Am I Crazy?

    If I were to add some Daphnia magna and D. pulex ephippia to my heavily planted tank, would any of them make it or would the colony be hunted out as soon as they hatched? I'd love to add Moina sp. cysts as well but I haven't been able to find any for sale.   The set up is a very densely planted...