cat fish

  1. KnowingKira

    Update on my spotted raphael catfish.

    Ryuk has apparently been doing fine and dandy after I posted that other thing. If you check what I've posted before you might see I thought he wasn't okay. He quite literally knocked over two shells on his nightly workout recently and honestly good on him. Here's a picture
  2. D

    A third wheeling Cory????

    I have 4 fish, 3 cory and a goldfish. My concern here is about the cories, I have had them for a year or more I want to say and at the beginning all three would school together and say a week later its only two that stick together and obvi the other is lonely in a corner or just plain on the...
  3. F

    Cory lathargic, need advice

    Hi So I have a peppered cory who is 18 months old and a gold lazer cory. Now, I've experienced deaths of fish over time, but my cory's became lathargic and kept swimming to the top, totally unlike them. The gold lazer cory began corkscrewing till it wouldn't move from its side. It died this...
  4. E


    I have had my cuckoo catfish for about 6 months now, never had any problems and he’s thrived! I went away for the weekend and I’ve come back and he is very very sick, his face appears swollen, his mouth hard and held open and doesn’t appear to be moving much, he is special to me so I just don’t...
  5. L

    Pls help newbie!!

    Hi all, brand new to this site and aquariums! Very much need help!! I set aquarium up and was looking to get variety of bright coloured fish (not sure of type) it didn't happen.... A random neighbour smashed their tank and put into bin area! I noticed two fish in the freezing cold water, so...
  6. P

    Frogs And Other Bottome Dwellers ?

    Ive got some african dwarfe frogs and am just wondering if there are any other bottome dwellers i could have with them ? i no you cant mix crabs with frogs but am in need of information if anybody knows ?   Cheers