
  1. J

    My Cory’s gills are looking a bit pink and I’m afraid the betta may be picking on him.

    I’m relatively new to owning fish. I’ve done lots of research and I asked the people at my local pet store about what fish are suitable to live with a betta in a 10 gallon. I got one cory as was recommended for my tank size, three baby African dwarf frogs, four or five ghost shrimp, and one male...
  2. Stefan3289

    Mean EBA

    I had this issue with one off my other EBAs, but he sadly passed away due to swim bladder. However, now the other EBA has stepped up and chases the new EBA I put in and the blur acara in there. The second the cone out from hiding and he sees them, he goes in a full chase. The only thing that...
  3. L

    Male Betta being bullied

    I've had my tank for about 6 months now. I have a male Betta, 7 harlequin rasboras, 4 Cory catfish, and a common pleco. My Betta has never been an aggressive fish. He's super sweet and even comes to the top of the water to let me pet him. But recently, he's lost about a quarter of his tail fin...