breeding net

  1. L

    Livebearing Tank And All My Issues.

    To start, my name is Melissa.  I live in Iowa, USA.  I have lots of tanks over the years, my first was when I was 16 and it was a 20 gallon eclipse form Petsmart.  My sister bought it for my as a birthday gift.  For this tank, she bought me 2 black moors and I loved them. I went on spring break...
  2. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Platy - Help!

    So I've had my platies around 3-4 weeks now. I believe one of my females was newly pregnant when I purchased her. She is very round now and her stomach is starting to get "boxy" like everyone has said before they give birth. Her stomach has looked like this going on 2 weeks now. She has been...