breeder net

  1. V

    Breeder net fail??

    So, I had several babies that were living in a breeder net for a couple weeks. Today after I had added a new fish, there's only one baby left in the net. Meaning the rest either escaped or died. But I didn't think they were small enough to fit through the holes for that to happen. I don't...
  2. V

    Is she big enough to not get eaten or should I put her in the net?

    My platies had babies, idk if I want to keep them all but this is definitely one, I want to keep. Should I throw her in the breeder net for safety? I do have places for them to hide but despite this the fry are out in the open a lot. I would like her to free roam, so it doesn't slow her growth...
  3. P

    Pregnant molly in breeder net

    I have a pregnant Dalmatian molly. I have no idea how far along she is. But i wanted to know is it okay to keep her in a breeder net form now till she gives birth with some floating plants?