boesmani rainbow

  1. C

    White, thick fuzzy poop and bacterial infections in my 90 gallon freshwater community tank

    Hi everyone. Recently, I introduced some new fish after a 2-week quarantine process, which included a quarantine medication trio consisting of Fritz Maracyn, Aquarium Solutions Ich-X, and Fritz ParaCleanse. Upon observing them and making sure they were healthy, I added them to my main tank. (90...
  2. E

    Is this Boesmani female a hybrid?

    Is this female Boesmani a hybrid? The video doesn't do it justice, but she goes like completely dark blue when laying eggs.
  3. E

    Rainbowfish Questions

    Hi guys (probably Byron lol), Just wanted to know whether I can keep just female Boesmani? My partner and I aren't a fan of the males, but we love the females. Also: Would it be advisable to keep a trio of female Boesmani, and then 1 male and 2 female Lucatris (Lake Kutubu, Blue, Turquoise)...