boesemani rainbow

  1. J

    Help! My New Fish Are Struggling ---Flukes?—What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I could really use some advice regarding some serious issues with my recent fish order and tank losses. Here’s the full story: Two days ago, I received a group of fish, including: Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x2 Emperor Tetra x12 (+2 extra, so 14 total) Rummynose Tetra x9 (+1 extra...
  2. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  3. Linkandnavi

    Stocking a 450L

    Evening everyone, My 450L (approx 119 US gallon) recently finished cycling. 150 x 50 x 60cm. I'm in the process of slowly stocking it over the next few months. I've not run a tank of this size before so I'm feeling my way in with the stocking levels. At the moment, it has two Siamese Algae...
  4. T

    Boesemani Rainbow Fish Sexing

    I need help sexing my Rainbowfish. I'm under the impression that I have 2 males and 2 females. Am I correct?
  5. hevenp

    Boesemani Rainbow Scale Growing Cotton Like Wounds

    My rainbow got this about three days now. I have tried water changes and Melafix but it seems to get worse.(the white cotton like wound gew bigger)   Here is the picture. Does anyone know what exactly this is? I have some in mind but the treatment i been giving is not working.  