
  1. M

    Angel fish attacking BNP

    Evening all I’m looking for some advice with my new fish please… I have an established tank and today added 2 small BNP and a blue eyed lemon. The problem is my Angel fish have taken a liking to them and are seeking them out and nipping. The Angels are not particularly big- say 2inch x 3inch...
  2. Eardz

    Calico or Super Red Bristlenose Pleco?

    Hi all, The following bristlenose was sold to me as a Super Red. I thought that it potentially looked calico? What are your thoughts? Thanks.
  3. Dephea

    Bristlenose pleco - male or female?

    I was looking for a female BNP. I already have a boy so when I went to LFS I specifically asked for a girl. We found a BNP wit no whiskers on the head so I assumed it was a girl and the guy in the shop assured me it was indeed a female. I have her/him for roughly a month now living with my other...
  4. G

    Why does my Bristlenose Pleco look like ybis

    My fish is less than a year old, probably around 3 inches. I feed her exclusively algae tabs because she won’t bother with veggies. Tank has been treated for ick in the past as that’s what I thought it was. She has had these white patches for months(they never went away with treatment) and...