
  1. R

    Bloated Gourami

    I have a male dwarf gourami named salsa, and recently he has grown very bloated. It seems more concentrated on his left side. I don't think it is iridovirus, because he has no discoloration or spots, or constipation, because whenever I feed him he poops it out a couple hours later, and when I...
  2. G

    Bloating and Large Cyst on Tetra

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and two honey gourami. I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. The past month I have lost three fish, one gourami...
  3. Tippersloth

    Gourami bloat? Or just bullied

    I am wondering if two of my honey gourami’s have bloat or not as they are in two separate areas of the tank at the bottom half the time, there was an angel in the fishtank aswell but did end up giving away due to the angel being a nipper towards them so I am waiting to see if that was the issue...
  4. L

    Chubby fish

    So I look at my fish often. Like every hour of the day if I can and I’ve come home this evening to find all 4 of my male guppies and maybe 5/7 cardinal tetras have quite big bellies!! All seem pretty happy and active as usual except 1 guppy is obviously trying to poop and is being quite...
  5. V

    My Dwarf Gourami is acting strange

    So, I have Dwarf Gourami that I've owned for a few months now, and as the title says, is acting strange. He sometimes lays on the bottom of the tank, but when I walk over to check on him, he'll get up like nothing is wrong. Also, he won't eat, and he has a white splotch on top of his head above...
  6. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...