
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DArtist

    Help! My Silver Dollar is fat!!🐠🧐

    I am new here, and I need help. One of my silver dollars started looking "fat". In the belly region. It is also breathing fast and finning a lot. I have had the silvers for 5 years and have successfully battled ich and other water quality issues. I have 3 silvers that share a 60-gallon tank with...
  2. S

    Firemouth Cichlid, bloated, breathing heavy, breeding tube protruding. Egg Bound? Infection of some kind?

    It has been a bit bloated for about a month, however, in the last couple days, it has gotten worse. At first, the firemouth was hiding more often, its mouth was stuck open all the time. I thought it was gill fluke. Treated the whole tank with Praziquantel and Levamisole. Treatment finished 2...
  3. C

    Bloated cory fry

    I have recently hatched Corydoras eggs for the first time. I have 3 fry currently in a breeding tank floating in the main tank. Two of them seem fine and are behaving as expected, but one of them seems to have a bloated abdomen and is struggling to swim or move around. Can anyone tell me what...
  4. N

    please help sick dwarf gourami :(

    my dwarf gourami has been looking like this for a couple weeks now. it still has a normal appetite and shows no signs of lethargy... could someone help? the water parameters are normal
  5. R

    Help Please!

    I got some glowfish danios yesterday and they were doing great last night and this morning, however when i got home from work all 3 have downward curved spines (U shaped) and look slightly bloated (bellies look boxy). They are swimming perfectly fine and super active. None of my other fish are...
  6. D

    Neon Barb bloated

    Hi we added some Neon Barbs around 1 month ago (aquarium been in the go for around 1 year). Do partial water changes around once a month, and test the water regularly etc. 1 of the Neon barbs is really bloated. Looking for any advice on how to resolve. All other fish seem to be fine. Thanks
  7. J

    Is she pregnant or bloated

    Hello again Family! My tetra is huge but I’m not sure if she’s filled with eggs or just bloated. Now if you look at the background those are all OLD dead eggs from some time ago. But when that took place, she was no where near this big. Also, I do have a male tetra in the tank with her.
  8. F

    Fin rot, lethargyc behaviour, fish stays at the top of the tank. I need help.

    Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great day. I'll start by writing about my tank setup: Housing: How many gallons is your tank? 5gal Does it have a filter? yes, sponge. Does it have a heater? no What temperature is your tank? 80F stable (live in tropics) Does your tank have an air stone...
  9. Pidge1992

    Poss. gravid tetra?

    Hello everyone! I’ve got a question... I have a black skirt tetra that I think is just carrying eggs but wanted other opinions. She is one of 6 fish I rescued from horrible conditions. Subsequently she was treated for parasites, fungal, and bacterial infections right after acquiring her. She...
  10. D

    Dwarf Frogs Pregnant or Bloated?

    Hello, I’m new to this website and not sure if I posted this under the wrong forum, I apologize if I did. I’ve had these dwarf frogs for about a month and got them from a private fish store. They’ve been pretty healthy but yesterday I fed them their usually frozen blood worms & woke up to one of...
  11. Barry Tetra

    Internal parasite

    So this is the questions from another thread, I think my betta and rosy have internal parasite, the stomach getting bigger over the past few day. @Colin_T
  12. Barry Tetra

    Betta bloated, need help

    My betta and rosy barb seems to have bloated belly, I have tried to feed him boiled mashed pea which he doesnt seems to eat and I have gave him epsom salt bath. He seems to be fat @Deanasue @PheonixKingZ @TheTenthDoctor
  13. Barry Tetra

    How to tell if my fish have dropsy/bloated/swollen belly

    How to tell if my fish have this disease. please help me about feeding schedule i recently lost lots of fish (including goldfish) due to this disease, when should i feed/how much should i feed? Please Help
  14. Barry Tetra

    Feeding Schedule

    Before I join this forum (I don't even know it's an animal cruelty to buy this fish) I bought balloon mollies and balloon Rams and recently they died daily of bloated belly can anyone help me of the feeding schedule on this balloon fish never buy again. :( @Colin_T @Byron can you help me
  15. T

    Suspected dwarf gourami illness PLEASE HELP!!

    So I bought 2 dwarf gouramis about 5 months back and after around a week one died. I put this down to stress as I didn't see any symptoms, he just died but now, the remaining one has recently had a long string of white poop coming out of him constantly so I fed mashed peas for a few days. We now...
  16. J

    Help bloated dwarf gourami

    Help! My red flame dwarf gourami looks bloated and keeps getting bigger. Also he is gasping and not breathing normal. Can’t tell if it might have the dwarf gourami disease or possibly pregnant. We also have a powder blue dwarf gourami who is just fine and possible making a bubble nest. We got...
  17. Yayamama707

    Sick Molly Floating Tail Up

    So this is an update on my sick Female Molly. Hoping to get some more insight. Current situation is she has been bloated and floating tail up for over 24 hours now. We moved her to a hospital tank yesterday @ 3 pm and is still hanging in there (literally) but now I’m noticing her eyes look a bit...
  18. Yayamama707

    Female Molly having multiple symptoms, HELP!

    Female Dalmatian Molly showing multiple symptoms, on & off. First bloating, then hiding behind heater tail up, then stringy poop, still has appetite but will NOT eat peas. Head shaking on & off. My head is starting to spin trying to narrow down what exactly is happening with her. Right before...
  19. A

    Floating Cory

    Halppp So ph:7.4 GH; soft Temp 74 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0-1 None of my parameters have changed since having this little peppered Cory for 4 months. He's done great. 2 recent changes to tank: -weekly addition of seachem flourish (about a month) -addition of 2 more corys (wrong ones that...
  20. E

    Ram Bloated and Sitting at top of tank

    My female Mikrogeophagus Ramerizi is looking very bloated, and she’s only sitting at the top of the tank with her body tilted towards the surface. All other fish in the tank are fine. Could this be because I’ve started using frozen foods more often, or those little tabs you stick on the side of...
  21. Vengified

    Please tell me she wont die?! Pregnant Guppy

    As the title says: I have a pregnant guppy, been rather inactive for two days, which I know is fairly normal for pregnancy, but today she has developed a bulge near her anal fin. Surprisingly, she has come out of hiding, and is much more active than the last two days, but the bulge is...
  22. A

    Bloated gorami, please help

    My gorami has been very fat for a very long time almost 2 months now. He wont eat at all. Iv tried peas he wont eat them. Moved him to my hospital tank tried medicating the water. Didn't help. Regular water changes have perked him up. Hes still swimming around fine. He hangs around the heater a...
  23. L

    Betta Bloating after feeding

    Hello! My Betta Fish, Zeus, is becoming bloated after every time I feed him. I have 3 Betta fish all in the same size tanks and the other 2 are fine. I feed them a pinch of flakes (tetracolor) every 4 days about. I have been feeding them this for years and it has always been beneficial so I do...
  24. B

    Help! Silver tip tetra belly swollen

    First Post. Just noticed my silver tip tetra with a huge belly, the skin around it looks sore. He or she is still active but struggling slightly. Any idea what this is? Got a photo attached. Thanks all
  25. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...
  26. B


    My betta has had a swollen belly for the past couple of days. He's still swimming around, wanting to eat, and overall acting pretty normal. I'm worried because after researching I discovered something as horrible as dropsy exists. I've looked at the all the symptoms and looked at Bruce. There...
  27. M


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  28. B

    Weather Loach help?

    Hi, this is my first post on this website. I'm unsure whether this is in the right category or even whet her I am doing this right so if it's wrong feel free to amend this. Here goes nothing.. I have had a fairly fat weather loach now for just over a month I'd say with another loach, a green...
  29. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  30. thrujenseyes

    Help with medication

    My male guppy has been very bloated for almost a week. (Picture 1) Wasn't sure of the cause so I did a few Epsom salt baths with no resolve. Hadn't eaten or pooped in days and looked like he was going to pop. I quarantined in bowl and treated with smaller doses of Epsom salt and changed...
  31. thrujenseyes

    What to do with bloated male guppy

    This is what happens when I try to ensure that my otocinclus' get fed. This piggy (and his four endler friends) gorge themselves and now this guy seems in a pickle. Seems he can't poop. The only way I can make sure my ottos get fed is to distract the fish with a small piece of algae wafer or...
  32. mookat

    Betta ate an algae wafer. Now what?

    So Ruth, my year and a half old betta, decided to eat *an entire tetra algae wafer* intended for the two mystery snails that occupy his tank. I had not given them algae wafers previously, so did not expect Ruth to be such a piggy; he had also just had three frozen blood worms. 24 hours later...
  33. F

    Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

    Hello all,   (Sorry for coming here only when I have a problem...    )   We set up this tank 1.5 years ago, and after the first difficult 6 months it was finally fine, cycled (Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0 - 0.25, Nitrate 20 - 40), peaceful, perfect. Well, almost perfect, since we had only 4 small fishes...
  34. L

    Hi All And Looking For Advice, Please.

    Hello all.   I have a small 15 u.s gallon tank which I have set up as a planted community tank, mainly with live bearers for the enjoyment of my 5 year old boy (and myself, of course).   It is a busy little set up with plenty of plants, bog wood and live rock. It has been well cycled and has...
  35. AquaPit

    Bloated Cories?

    I think I must have overfed them! I noticed that the cories, especially the Hasborus, looks bloated and heavy! I have since fast them for two days now.. Is there anything I can do to help with their bloatedness?? Tks a bundle!
  36. D

    Help! I Have A Sick Fish And Don't Know What To Do!

    I have a 25 gallon freshwater fish tank. I woke up this morning turned on the light and went bathroom just like every morning. Then after I used the bathroom I can back and fed them like usual. Then I started watching them and one of my guppies at first was laying on the bottom not coming to get...
  37. S

    New Member With A Pregnant Molly?

    Hello everyone! I'm new here but would love to start chatting! I have 2 dalmation mollies and 2 sunburst platties in a 10 gallon tank together. Both of the dalmation are girls and both the platties are males. But the last two or three days I noticed one if my mollies getting a little larger...
  38. Spaino

    Sick Neon Tetra & Mollie

    Hi guys - new to this forum and to fishkeeping. We bought our first tank in January this year (2012). We bought a 30L BiOrb (not the round space helmet looking one). It has a rock base (not sand) and various ornaments and plastic plants. We have a heater and use the air filter that came with it...