
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Bloated cory fry

    I have recently hatched Corydoras eggs for the first time. I have 3 fry currently in a breeding tank floating in the main tank. Two of them seem fine and are behaving as expected, but one of them seems to have a bloated abdomen and is struggling to swim or move around. Can anyone tell me what...
  2. J

    Pregnant or something else?

    I’m out of town at the moment and have a friend taking care of my fish, my female silver Molly was normal size when I left and now she is huge. Not sure if it’s just pregnancy or something else. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. E

    Bloated Oscar fish - What can I do?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  4. B

    (Need Help) Betta Fish still bloated after 3 days of fasting and daily Epsom salt baths.

    He's currently in a 1.5 gal quarantine tank haven't added him into the 5G main tank which is fully cycled and currently just filled with a few shrimp. There is a heater and a filter for the hospital tank, at 77-78F, I only had my betta for 3-4 weeks and I been feeding him and fasting for one day...
  5. kapsey

    Betta Bloat Getting Worse Despite Treatment

    I have a Betta in a 10 gallon planted tank, kept around 78-80 degrees F. I was previously feeding him Hikari Tropical Micro Pellets. He began bloating a few months ago. When I noticed, I stopped feeding him the micro pellets and began feeding him a mix of Mysis, Tetramin Flakes (his previous...
  6. Tippersloth

    Gourami bloat? Or just bullied

    I am wondering if two of my honey gourami’s have bloat or not as they are in two separate areas of the tank at the bottom half the time, there was an angel in the fishtank aswell but did end up giving away due to the angel being a nipper towards them so I am waiting to see if that was the issue...
  7. sweeteybabey

    Advice to Help My Bloated Neon?

    So my black neon tetra has become very bloated (I've attached some photos). She's still swimming and eating fine, and she isn't separating herself from the fish which is good! I suspect it may have been due to me feeding her flakes, but I've now switched to micro pellets. The neon has been...
  8. R

    CPD floating Problems

    I just bought some new celestial pearl danios, I've maybe had them for about 2 weeks and one is starting to show signs that something is wrong. Whenever it stops swimming, it's back end floats upward. They don't seem to be showing any other signs of illness other than they seem to be shyer than...
  9. S

    I don't know what's wrong with my danio!

    Hi, I'm very new to this forum, as in just joined haha, but I joined because I've been doing research for a few weeks to find what is wrong with my zebra danio and nothing seems to match. Her name is Lilly and she's currently in a hospital tank, she's been isolated from her other two buddies...
  10. S

    Pregnant tetra or bloat?

    Hi, I’m looking after my cousins fish. He has some guppies and two tetras. I noticed one of them has a very distended belly and wondering if it’s pregnant or bloated? If the latter, how can I get it’s stomach down. He feeds tropical flake food. In photos is the size difference between the two.
  11. Barry Tetra

    Can anyone tell me if this goldfish have bloated belly

    Scare of this disease right now. I always overfeeding the fish and recently another goldfish die of bloated disease. Can anyone tell me if this goldfish is bloated?
  12. K

    Glow fish tetra has seriously large stomach

    Hi all, new here. This glow tetra we’ve had for about 6 months has had this large stomach for a few months now and never shows signs of dropping eggs if she is a female. Is this bloat? Or does she just have a ton of eggs in her abdomen that she hasn’t dropped yet. What can I do to fix this. Fish...
  13. Bettapuppy

    Bloated Betta

    My boy has not been himself now for about a week. He lost interest in his food so I'd let him fast for about a day. I would try feeding him again and he'd only eat one or two pellets, then I would fast him again. I noticed he was looking really bloated Saturday night so I did a 75% water change...
  14. SteakNShrimp

    Bloated Tiger Barbs?

    A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to have enlarged stomachs. I did some research and came up with - Swim Blatter Disease - Constipation - Dropsy But I’m not sure if my fish have these problems because they aren’t displaying most of the symptoms. They aren’t swimming weird, they are all eating, and...
  15. shikarii

    Glo Tetra bloated

    Currently have 5 glo tetras in a 10 gallon tank. Ive had the tank for a year and a half. Water levels are fine, I noticed my yellow one is extremely bloated, the others are fine. Any advice on how to fix this? He eats and swims normally.
  16. KatherynD

    Bloated but happy male dwarf gourami

    Hi i'v had all my fish for about 7 months now including my bloated dwarf gourami. Now this sucker is huge at the moment and he just keeps getting bigger. My other dwarf gourami along with my other fish look and act just fine, even my bloated guy acts fine. I didn't feed feed my fish for three...
  17. K

    Tiger barbs dieng at once

    I HAD 6 barbs in a tank with 3 coreys 1 pleco and a puffer. I feed blood worms periodically for barbs and puffer to eat and just the other night i fed blood worms made by sanfrasisco brand and 1 fish died first morning. 2nd one in afternoon. And third one at night and NOW another barb is...
  18. Shnagglpus

    BN Plecos bloating

    Just lost one of my bn plecos I've had for 3months, after hydrogenperoxide treatment for algea noticed the older of the 2 started to look fat, thought nothing of it as behavior seemed normal, continued algea treatments and pleco continued to get fat, today roughly 4 days after treatment, dead...
  19. K

    Fish Has Gotten Too Fat

    My goldfish has gotten fat over the past few weeks very quickly and i cant tell if it has a disease, bloating or is pregnant. Its been going on for at least 2 months. She is a comet goldfish so the belly shows. Her scales are not puffy and she does not have symptoms like dropsy. She is swimming...
  20. cowgirluntamed

    Bloated Male Guppy

    I have a 10 gallon tank with 7 male guppies. I had fed them only once a day but then switched to twice a day feedings with NutriDiet Tropical Flakes. The reason for the switch is that they are a bit more territorial than I thought they'd be without females and they are nipping each others tails...