
  1. metropolis93fan

    Betta going blind... soak food in garlic juice or not?

    (I posted to the betta portion but getting no response. Thought I'd also post here. I hope I'm not breaching any rules) I have heard from many sources that soaking betta pellets in garlic juice helps them find the food. I was going to start today training him to go to a feeding loop by using the...
  2. S

    Fish turning black / blind (saltwater)

    Hello. I recently noticed that my schooling bannerfish started to turn black in the front of his face. I also suspect that he’s going blind, because his eyes look black/cloudy, he doesn’t see food, and sometimes bumps into fish. He also doesn’t run away from me when I come near the fishtank, as...
  3. S

    Fish turning black /blind

    Hello. I recently noticed that my schooling bannerfish started to turn black in the front of his face. I also suspect that he’s going blind, because his eyes look black/cloudy, he doesn’t see food, and sometimes bumps into fish. He also doesn’t run away from me when I come near the fishtank, as...
  4. P

    One glofish tetra opening and closing mouth

    Hi im new to fish keeping. I have a glofish tetra who constantly opens and closes his mouth. Im not sure if its just a recent thing or it was like that when i got him around 3 weeks ago. Im freshly new and trying to be as informed as possible hes is the only one doing this. Also ever since i...
  5. B

    Can anyone tell me why my gourami is blind?

    About A month ago I noticed my goal gourami swimming into decorations and swimming pass the food I put in the tank. Since then her right eye progressively got cloudier and her left eye has just started to get cloudy. I cleaned the tank daily for a couple of weeks in hopes that it was just an...
  6. B

    Blind gold Gourami

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed my Gouramis coloring get progressively darker. I thought it was because he was getting older. Then I noticed he was swimming aimlessly bumping into the decorations also when I put flake food in the tank He would swim right past the food. I looked closer at him...
  7. mindwarpstudios

    Seeking Experienced Insight

    I am looking for an opinion of experience...  First, a bit of background:   I have a Female Cockatoo Cichlid who has had a bit of a troubled existence recently.  About two months ago, she lost a few scales directly in the middle of her forehead.  Fearing HITH but suspecting a collision, I...
  8. J

    Poorly Angel - Possible Eye Infection?

    Tank size: 350l pH: 6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20 tank temp: 26 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): A couple of weeks ago, i noticed that he was having trouble with his balance, and also had a swolen eye, with what looked like...