
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. CharLee86

    Betta fry bubble nest

    Hi lady's and gent's. I got 13 betta fry that are about 2 months old now. Today I spotted what I think is a bubble nest. Non of the other fish have made one yet and I'm not even sure if it is a nest. Thought it would be a bit early for them to start making nests already?
  2. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...
  3. fishlover101

    Help With Raising Betta Fry

    Hello everyone.. its been a while since my last post... the baby brine shrimp worked out great.. however im STILL having bettas die... I bought a test kit with strips... although i'm not sure how to use it, and i'm not sure what could be going wrong.... I was thinking of getting sponge filters...
  4. fishlover101

    What To Feed Betta Fry!?

    ok so I've bred my bettas 3 times... ive moved all of the fry together into a 29 gallon grow out tank.. theres between 50-100 fry that lived... hard to tell... anyways, ive been feeding them baby brine shrimp, but it's expensive and they need a lot... I was wondering at what age, can I start...