betta splendens

  1. Lanpenn

    Is my Betta too quiet?

    Hello everyone, how is it going? Well, I have had my Betta splendens since May 14th, 2023 (that is, he will complete two years this year... or he is already two years old!) and I suspect some weird behavior from him. This is the setup: • Aquarium size: 17.74" length x 11.81" height x 9.84"...
  2. 1

    Betta fish bloated on a side: what is this!?

    I have a female Betta Splenders, she has bright colors, no issues swimming but she has a really bad growth on a side of the belly. We quarantened her in a 5L tank to check how her feces were and to make her and other fishes safe. At the beginning she had stringy poop and we (my bf and I) thought...
  3. xipo817

    Is this really Betta imbellis?

    I bought this betta in shop in japan as betta imbellis. But I am not sure if this fish is really imbellis. This fish has red bar in his gill, so I think this betta looks more like splendens or siamorientalis. I don't know well about betta because I've just started betta rearing only 2 month ago...
  4. TotallyTropical

    Melafix Hoax?

    Hello everyone! (wow, I'm back? :oops:) After (almost) finishing the first semester of year 2 in my aquaculture studies at Dalhousie, I've found I've learned more about finfish and shellfish than I've bargained for, and a notable subject has crossed my path while caring for my own fish that I...
  5. bettaworldforbettas

    Petition Petco to raise Betta min tank size from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their "Betta Care Sheet"

    Hi -- I started a petition for Petco to raise their recommended min aquarium size for Betta fish from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their Betta Care Sheet. Right now when you grab a Betta care pamphlet in their store or look online, it says min: 1/4 gal! Here is the link...
  6. primsloaches16

    Betta- Before and After a loving home!

    Saw a ton of threads on posting progress photos of your fish, generally their change with colors and vibrancy, and I figured Honey is a fantastic example of that! Honey isn't a fancy betta, no flowy fins, the "wild" type of betta splendens. I got her on the rack of "less desirable" bettas next...
  7. primsloaches16

    Media of my lovelies- Will be Updated!

    Hey y'all! I have so many pics of my babies I want to share, but I felt like I was clogging up my posts with new threads for each time, so this will be a catalog of my pics, and will be updated when I get more! I hope y'all enjoy!
  8. Barry Tetra

    Thailand Betta

    Here Is the video I took from LFS, all of the betta is about 0.80$ - 1$ @Deanasue @PheonixKingZ @Back in the fold @TheTenthDoctor
  9. B

    How much do YOU spend on a 10 gal betta tank?!

    Hi! I’m doing a contest for college and $1250 is on the line. I’m designing a beginner friendly and humane kit for bettas. So how much have you spent in the past on a 10 gallon betta tank? Including the tank itself, heater, filter, substrate, live plants, hides, lights, water change equipment...
  10. K

    Constantly Worried my New Betta is Dying...

    I've had my betta for almost a month now, and while I thought fish are supposed to be pretty low maintenance, I spend most of my day worrying he is sick and analyzing his every move. Is there a betta expert out there that can tell me if by looking at him, he's healthy or not? He is almost always...
  11. koii

    Urgent Betta Problems!!

    Hi! Listen, sorry if I'm posting about this is in the wrong area, I'm new. But really, I'm very worried about my fish. My mystery snail died, and we left him in the tank for a day or two, because he usually just stopped and hid in his shell for a while. I noticed something was wrong when he did...
  12. S

    My advice for betta keeping

    Name: Betta (Pronounced bay-tuh) Minimum tank size: 2.5 gallons Water changes: 2.5 gallons: 75% weekly 5 gallons: 20 % weekly 10+ gallons: 15-20% weekly (NOTE: if there is no filter, all these need to be 50% or more.) Requirements: Filter (Very strongly recommended) Heater (Very strongly...
  13. B

    Basically Another Betta Caresheet

    Be aware of what you are getting into before you purchase a Betta fish. Know that these fish can live up to 10 years under the proper care, so do your research before buying. The minimum tank size (officially) for a Betta Splenden is 2.5 Gallons with a heater and filter. Please don't keep a...
  14. RCA

    Got Tempted Again...

    Thought I was weaning myself off getting new Betta's, yet this little fella was feisty and willing me to take him home, so how could I resist. Finage needs to heal and grow, and at present he is a shy fella, yet we all know they soon get to accept us near their tanks. He has not got a name as...
  15. Mamashack

    My New Man!

    My new man Cobalt!   
  16. brittgs

    Introducing Javier

    My 5.5 gallon tank seemed stable (temp 80 degrees, pH 6.6, ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrates 5) so I went to my not-so-LFS and found lots of Bettas.  They all seemed more lively then the ones in the chain stores and more responsive when I picked up the cups to examine them.  Put some of the cups...
  17. R

    Betta Fish Water Emergency

    Hi Everyone!     Let me start off by saying that I feel a little like a "fish out of water" here (bad pun, I know), but desperate times call for desperate measures. I am a 3rd year college student and I took in a male betta fish from a guy down the hall who didn't have time for the...
  18. schattengestalt

    White Spots Doubt

    Hi everyone, here I come again with my dearest Schatten. I just noticed he is with two white spots on his head, a very small one and another bigger under the first. I read some info and I was thinking if it would be fungus or something, if he maybe hurt himself on the rocks in the bottom of the...
  19. RCA

    Urgently Required > Seachem Kanaplex (Uk) - Curing Dropsy

    Dear all,   I urgently need to get hold of this product, Seachem Kanaplex, for a prized Betta Splendens who is not looking too good, and maybe beginning to pine cone.   All the LFS in my area (HU17) are stating they cannot get it until next Wednesday, I have even tried my local vet.   Has anyone...
  20. schattengestalt

    Help With My Betta Fin

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and also new on dealing with fishes, as well with betta ones. I've got mine on March and I try my best to take care of him and yesterday I bought a plant to put inside his tank, but it didn't fit very well - a little bit big. It seemed my betta fish didn't like...
  21. FungusTrooper

    Jew's Nest

    I just wanted to share that Jew, my 2-ish month old betta (well, that's how long I've owned him, and he was pretty small upon purchase) was just caught red-handed in the middle of building a nest.     Here's a YouTube video of him caught in action. We don't own any female betta (yet), so for...
  22. RCA

    Leaflet On Betta Splendens And How To Keep Them

    Welcome all to the start of what we hope will be a worthwhile little project for all of us who  these fish and no-longer wish to see them treated badly in stores, or by people who are not aware of how to care for them.   The idea came from this topic, focusing on the positive approach assisting...
  23. S

    My Fishies Died :((((((

    About a month ago, I got a betta fish for my birthday named Jack. He was in a 1 gallon tank, and to be honest I didn't really clean it very often. But he was doing great! Then a couple of days ago, my brother came home and convinced me I needed to get a bigger tank. We went to Walmart. and while...
  24. SmokedPaprika

    Rhaegar Checking In!

    Afternoon, all!  My name is Rhaegar - I believe my new Mum's told you all about me, but unfortunately she's been having a tough time at work and hasn't had much chance to update you for a while, so I figured I'd take care of that myself.     No pictures to show you, unfortunately; you'll have to...
  25. RCA

    Before Bettas... This Is What I Bred ...

    This picture was taken by Derek Whitehouse Photography.  I got a call from Derek stating he needed some pictures for Crufts Dog Show and knew my dogs would be well behaved and could he take some photos?  I met him on a field the next day, which was a typical foggy morning at that time of year...
  26. RCA

    Aqua One 320 To Fluval Edge 46L Project

    Background to the Project One of my Betta Boys was housed in an Aqua One 320 on the bedside cabinet, however I did not like this tank and wanted to replace it. I had been considering having one made to fit the space however, I was also aware that an Edge would fit nicely due to its small...
  27. RCA

    Betta; Bacterial, Worms, Egg Bound, Dropsy?

    Do you think I can save this girl? Any advice welcome. This is what she would typically look like:   So as you can she she is normally a little round, but she has got larger over the past 24 hours:   What you can see is she is larger on one side and it looks like there is some reddening on...
  28. RCA

    Does Anyone Know How To Get Rid Of A Reflection?

    I have a good image of one of my new Bettas but I would like to get rid of the reflection, is this possible and if so, how please?   This is the image in question   This is the topic about him "Well what would you have done..."   Of course, I hope to get a similar image in the future without a...
  29. RCA

    Female Fighter Peculiar Behaviour: Any Ideas Please?

    Tank size: Was in 215 Litres, moved to Quarantine 12 Litres yesterday.  Generally same readings on both aquariums. pH: 8.2 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20-40ppm (I find my test not brilliant at this, when I take a sample to the LFS it is usually 0) *kH: 100mg/L *gH: Between 125-250 mg/L tank...
  30. Kmin LionHeart

    How Long Will My Betta Live Given Adequate Conditions?

    I just bought my little red male Betta yesterday. I named him Robin. So I did some research before getting him, of course. So here's what I do for my Betta: 1) I'll give him 3 SMALL meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) (small meals equivalent to 3 pieces of bloodworms per meal. Not saying...