betta help

  1. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Could someone help ID this?

    Hello, our female betta always had a version of this white material on her scales since she was purchased. It is localized to her head. She is otherwise very healthy, as is the tank she's in. Does anyone know what this is or how to treat? I have these available: Jungle Fungus Clear Fritz...
  2. D

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I recently got a betta. I've always read that they hang out at the top of the tank but mine likes to hang out in his skulls and he keeps swimming like this. I really haven't seen him eat much either. He's housed with 2 mollies and an assistant snail. He's in a 10 gallon tank with live plants, is...
  3. F

    Betta Tank

    Hi there, I am looking to start up a beta fish tank and would love to do it right. I have just bought a 24 litre tank as my research says recommended is 22 litres, I would just like to know what other things you recommend, like what plants , whether live ones or plastic, if so which live ones...
  4. ajr0053

    Help with betta.

    Hi all, you’ve helped me in the past with my first betta, and this time I need help with my other somewhat elderly man. He’s around 5 years old, and is usually very energetic attention seeking. However I’ve come to notice he’s slowing down, which is somewhat normal. I know bettas can live longer...
  5. ajr0053

    Help with my betta

    Hello, I’m sorry if this is disorganized or I posted it in the wrong place, I made this account specifically to ask this question so thank you in advance. I’ve had my betta Biscuit for around three years now and noticed a sudden change in his behavior about two days ago. He sits at the bottom...
  6. S

    Help! I'm concerned and don't know what to do!!!

    Hi! So in January I purchased a new betta fish and set him up in a 2.5 gallon tank with heater and filter. I also had the intentions of buying an upgrade. He had been only one day in the store since they had gotten in a new shipment, or so I was told. He was vibrantly colorful, but very shy...
  7. V

    Shredded, Bloated Betta

    Hi. I'm a new betta owner, and I bought my fish about two months ago. I took care of him for the first month, and he was shy but healthy. After a month of vacation and leaving the fish in my fathers' care, I am very stressed with his new appearance. Although he is happy and friendly, is eating...
  8. Whisp

    Help Identify Betta

    Hello everyone! I am new here and new to owning Betta fish and am confused as to what type of Betta fish I might have. When I got him from the pet store they marked him as a half moon tail Opal Betta Male, well I can't find any information on the breed of a Opal Betta? So I asked someone who...
  9. I

    Help! Does my betta have fin rot?

    So I have a super delta betta in a heated 4 gallon planted tank with a functioning low flow filter. Water parameters are great: pH of 7.0-7.2 (which I know is pretty high but I've heard that having a stable pH is better than chasing a specific level of pH), 0 ppm for ammonia, nitrites and 5-10...
  10. ToriGibson


    Hi everyone!   I'm a new betta owner. I've been keeping my betta in a one gallon tank and I feel like an idiot for purchasing it now that I've read in forums that bettas need about 2.5 gallons and I do not have the money to get a larger tank at the moment. However, I did have the money to...
  11. C

    Help Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    can anyone tell me if my betta fish has fin rot or am i just worrying to much? its his lower body it looks a bit pointy btw I'm new to this so please help :(  
  12. FurFinFeathers

    Paling Betta?

    One of my male betta's I've had for about two weeks has gotten really pale recentley. He has recentley recovered from a case of swim bladder, could that maybe be what's had him lose his color? He's in a divided ten gallon tank, so he gets five gallons, and there is a heater and a filter in the...
  13. H

    Betta On His Side For Three Weeks

    I have had my Betta for about 6 years...I use water conditioner on him and until recently - 6 years later he has been a happy fish.  For the last three weeks he has been laying on his side at the bottom of the tank only coming up for air.  I have made sure he eats by dropping multiple pellets in...