betta bottom of tank

  1. GGI

    Betta not eating!

    I don’t know what to do but my very fish is not eating he is starting to stay on the bottom of the tank. Please help.
  2. B

    Is my Betta dying or sick?

    Hi I’m new to the forum and I need some help! My Betta Rocky is not doing well. I have had him over a year now and has been acting very strange the last few days. I recently moved him from a community tank to a single species tank of 2.5 gallons with a filter and heater. For some reason now he...
  3. C

    Sick betta

    My Betta has been sick lately. At the beginning I thought it was fun for but now I think it is a fungus infection. This is my first Betta I have had since a child and I’m not really sure what to do to help him. He is in a 1 gallon tank with a heater. I know, I should have him in a bigger tank...
  4. K

    Concerned about my betta resting on the bottom

    I have a male betta i got from petco as a birthday present in march. its now july and i was gone for 5 days for a funeral and came back to see my neighbor had over fed him and his tank wasnt looking good. he was still swimming and acting normal so i left again to see another family member for a...
  5. P

    Please help - listless betta might be dying :(

    First off, I've never posted here before, so apologies if I mess this up! Please let me know if I should be posting somewhere else/did this incorrectly. I have a betta (named Kylo) that I got from Petco back in June. He's usually very active, swimming around his tank and eating 3-4 pellets a...