#betta #bettafish

  1. Betta Black Series

    Betta Black Series

    This fish from indonesia I'm exportir
  2. L

    Ripped fins

    I bought a new filter installed it and went to work when coming home I noticed it was too strong and ordered another one , in the process my betta has had all his fins ripped, he had a rip when I first bought him and that healed nicely however was wondering if there’s anything extra I can do to...
  3. GGI

    What can I do to help my betta fish?

    So he went from his beautiful blue and red to a pale color what should I do? I know it is bad if they go change different colors.
  4. SushiRollsAquabuds

    New coloring or concern?

    Context : ever since I saved Angel from terrible conditions he has changed colors over time. i got him as a pale white betta and over time changed to a slight red color that are shown throughout his fins. — Recently I have noticed that Angel has developed a red spot in his body .. I don’t know...
  5. Stefan3289

    Possible ich?

    Hello all, I recently set up a betta sorority tank and it looks like one of them (which is who I would say is the dominant one of the group) seems to have a few white spots on her side. It looks like I caught it early but wanted to get a second opinion. I delt with ich before in my larger 75...
  6. SushiRollsAquabuds


    Good morning , I woke up to seeing little “worms“ or ” string-like” creatures on sushi’s tank, they are “walking” throughout the glass . I thought they were dust particles on my glass but then I looked closely and saw that they moved or floated on water. they are all over the tank . Is this...
  7. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Angel week 4 !

    update. : angel is doing well and he has adjusted nicely into routine :). His top fin has seem to have gotten darker , and just now I just discovered that his left fin ( not very visible on picture) is slightly turning red (pink-ish) as well! It also seems like his bottom back fins are wanting...
  8. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Angel update week 3

    its almost a month since I have had angel, he has improved so much and I’m so proud of him . I’m glad that I was able to save him and he is happier now in his new home :). - i added some Indian almond leaves in his tank recently , he seems to like it so far ! Here is an color change update on...
  9. SushiRollsAquabuds

    How to get biofilm off of wood?

    I am starting to notice a build up of Biofilm on the piece of wood on my tank especially on the back of the piece, I want to know what you guys do to get rid of it. I’m pretty sure that biofilm is harmless but I just want to get rid of it on my wood, it looks icky . please give me...
  10. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Do you guys recommend Indian almond leaves?

    I have considered getting my betta Angel, some Indian almond leaves. -before I buy do you guys know what the benefits / use are they for ? Or just tell me some info on them :). I’m really curious .
  11. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Angel update week 2

    Angel has improved to much, unlike the first week, once angel hears me he goes up to me just like sushi! He knows where his feeding spot is very well and goes up for it when it is feeding time :) he is such a lovely fish. below I have some pictures of sushi’s color improvement . day 1...
  12. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Betta tank update!

    I’m glad I got rid of all that color gravel because this looks way better. UPDATE; I added plants into my tank ! What do you guys think? I do plan on maybe getting other things since I think it kinda looks empty , I like the wood piece in the middle of the tank but maybe over time I’ll move it.
  13. SushiRollsAquabuds

    My fish may have dropsy ! Help

    Good evening, recently I have noticed a change in my betta i will describe how he's been acting. -Normally when I go up to my betta, he swims up to the front of the glass to see me although he hasn’t done that often. -I notice that he stays at the bottom of the tank more often, At some...
  14. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Quick question about the mopani wood

    Is it normal for the wood to “stain” the water ? i have washed out the wood beforehand for 3 days before I put the wood in, the water isn’t REALLY brown but it’s a light tea - like color. Is it safe for the betta fish??
  15. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Tank update

    I took your guys advice , I added sand that was recommended to me and mopani wood, I currently have no plants in which I will buy soon, what do you guys think? ill have to cycle this tank for few weeks though but so far I actually love this look , I feel more satisfied and I’m glad I got that...
  16. SushiRollsAquabuds

    Can someone try to identify my betta?

    Good morning , I cleaned angel’s tank for the first time and While I was looking at him I was thinking to myself, what kind of betta is Angel ? ( and what i mean is by his tail type ) for example my other fish Sushiroll , I know that he is a double tail betta since that’s what they have told me...