betta ammonia ph

  1. N

    Betta tail rot--proper treatment??

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum as well as being a new fishy caregiver!! I recently got a male veiltail about a month back named nugget. He is in a 5gallon planted tank with standard gravel, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimps, and some moss balls (will post pictures). About 2 weeks after I got him I...
  2. C

    Betta Healing From Ammonia But...

    My betta was at deaths door from what I think is ammonia poisoning. After seeing no results with bettarevive and bifuran, I tried fungus clear and he started coming around after 12 hours. Now after 2 days he's swimming constantly and improving. My question is that the meds say to wait 4 days, do...