betta aggression

  1. V

    Injured Fish Emergency - Any chance of survival?

    I came back home from vacation to find that my betta attacked and injured one of my other fish. There were no signs of aggression before this. The victim is missing an eye, and I think a few scales. It was swimming around, occasionally stopping to rest on the bottom. Before I could remove the...
  2. S

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

  3. F

    $50 budget Betta sorority tank

    Hey guys! I recently started a betta sorority nano tank. I had an aquarium 10 years ago but things have changed a lot since then, equipments, the theory in general. I decided to ask this forum for ways to improve my tank, some advice from experts, equipment wise, aesthetically, anything...
  4. BettaJai

    Betta Fish Suddenly Flaring & Changing Attitude

    Hiii! I'm new to this site but I have a question, if anyone could answer it for me... So my betta, Casper, is around a year old now. He's always been a sweet, happy, and curious fish. One time he got some fin rot while my bf was taking care of him over a vacation (UGH!) but that's all cured now...
  5. BlueSarcasm

    Shrimp Died Overnight

    I just got two japanese algae eating shrimp yesterday, and I found one dead in one of my decorations and the other is nowhere to be found. I don't think the fish in my tank couldve eaten an entire shrimp overnight though. I have 2 balloon mollies, female beta, and a black molly. Could these guys...
  6. B

    Betta tank mates?

    Hi there hopefully I have gotten the correct category for my question :) I have recently purchased a 22 litre tank and was looking at getting a betta. From my research this seems like a good size, but I was wondering about tank mates. Is there any tank mates that you recommend or would a Betta...
  7. B

    Betta stressed or sick?Need help!

    So,I've had my betta Eros for about a two weeks and he was in great health at the time.I made sure to clean his tank and decorations before placing them inside and I added conditioner to the tap water.I allowed the water to be filtered for about a week before getting him and dosed the water with...
  8. JohnathanSt

    My Betta has gone mental!

    Hi All. Hopefully you can help me.I have a small fish tank homing my betta fish and some neon tetra. For over a month now they have all co existed and were best of friends. For some reason my Betta, over the last few days, has decided to go full on psycho. He wont stop chasing the tetra around...
  9. GuppyGirl20

    Bettas And Snails Are Suppose To Get Along Right?

    So my betta is probably four months old (maybe five old). I got him back in April. I've had the snail in the tank since I got the betta. Today my snail was just trucking along like he always does when my betta swims over and nips at the snails head! I've never seen him do that before, should...