
  1. Auttie_Pie1

    The case of the missing tetra

    This Thursday a massive algae bloom happened in my tank well I was gone. So bad you could barely see the fish inside. I have 1 betta, 5 tetras and 1 pleco. I was already planning on completely redoing the tank so this was my opportunity. I made small separate tanks to put my fish in and I began...
  2. SushiRollsAquabuds

    New coloring or concern?

    Context : ever since I saved Angel from terrible conditions he has changed colors over time. i got him as a pale white betta and over time changed to a slight red color that are shown throughout his fins. — Recently I have noticed that Angel has developed a red spot in his body .. I don’t know...
  3. SushiRollsAquabuds

    How to sink driftwood??

    Hello Everyone! I recently got a cool peace of driftwood. I am currently letting it sit on water for a week or two, but there seems to be a bit of a problem. It won’t sink! If anyone has tips on how to sink woods please let me know. (I am not a big fan of using glue on tanks , so I would...
  4. SushiRollsAquabuds

    I need help!! bettas eyes seem strange !

    I recently got a white platinum betta fish (unnamed) and I’ve recently noticed there’s something wrong with his eyes. I’ve noticed that he’s ”bumped” into the tank glass a lot and that he is unresponsive to my finger tapping on the glass. I’ve done some research and I think it could be cloud...
  5. BleuTheBetta

    Good deal on tank?

    I was searching for a 5 - 10 gallon tank to up size my betta into (he is currently in a 2.5.) I found a great tank on a local website that I know to be trusted. This tank is for sale for $30. I have $50 to spend, I would get more cartilage for this tank and cycle it properly before putting Bleu...
  6. BleuTheBetta

    Hello! I'm Bree.

    Hey guys! I am Bree. I came to learn more about my fish keeping hobby. I am very new to the hobby, only around 3 weeks in to having my first fish. My current tank is a 2.5 gallon tank, with silk plants and a mix of gravel / white fake marble rock as my base. My fish is a betta named Bleu. He is...
  7. F

    My Crowtail Plaket's dorsal fins turning white (its not Ich and my betta isnt a marble)

    Hey guys.. So my betta is kept in a round bottle (5 litres) ...dont judge me most breeder here do that..my betta is 2 months old. The tank has enough plants mostly frogbit and salvania and also the water contains indian almonds leaves. Everything was okay..my betta is very active and has grown a...
  8. D

    My betta won’t eat anything, Please help!

    hello, I’m a beginner betta fishkeeper. The betta I have has been with me for almost 7 months but the problem just started recently. My betta suddenly stopped eating his pellets (at best he would only eat one) which led me to think that he grew tired of it so I tried getting other food such as...
  9. Mackamoora


    A couple months ago my sister in law bought a betta, Galaxy, he was doing great always swimming, his fins were great, very active and would eat well. She noticed a white spot that we treated as ick, but I also noticed how horrible the back fin looks and his scales are losing color. Hes a lot...
  10. sgropp311

    Community Tank Turning Yellow and Slowly Dying off

    Hey, so I have a growout tank where I kinda just throw most of my livebearer fry and small angels that I get from the store (i'll describe the tank more below). It's always been super healthy, and normally I've got a betta in there too, just because he gets along with the other fish and I raise...
  11. S


    I have bought this betta yesterday from the shop which i usually go...in the shop...this betta was active and responded when i put my finger in the water and looked healthy....after i bought him home and put him in my 70L tank...well planted with a lot of hiding spots....the betta seemed to stay...
  12. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  13. Mackamoora


    ‼️PLEASE HELP‼️ Hello. I’ve had my betta, Nilou, for about 1.5 years now. About two or more weeks ago I put him in a hospital tank, trying aquarium salt, Melafix, and other remedies to try and cure what I thought to be fin rot. I started noticing signs of illness about half a month before I...
  14. JackieP

    Does my betta have dropsy??

    So I’ve posted a thread about this a week ago. I thought it was bloating or constipation and I fasted her for three days and started feeding her less and it just seems like it’s gotten worse. She used to swim around so much and now she just kinda floats near the top. I’m scared it’s dropsy but...
  15. JackieP

    Does my betta fish look bloated?

    I feel like I’ve seen her skinnier than this. I think she might be constipated but I’m not sure. I tested my water everything’s fine. I fasted her for a day but I see like no change. I feed her four pellets a day during the week and frozen blood worms on the weekend. Please help thanks.
  16. B

    fin rot wont go away

    this is my first betta ive gotten. a couple weeks after i got him, i was unable to go to the house with the fish because it was contaminated with covid. when i got back, my fish had fin rot. this was around the beginning of the year. i immediately did a full tank clean, took out sharp decor, and...
  17. JesskaSky

    Help! Is this fin rot? or fin nipping?

    Hi there! First post here, unfortunately has to be about my beloved betta ): I'm leaning more towards this being fin nipping so if that's the case what are some good tips on repairing? I have had two mollies in with my betta (both are now sitting in my fry saver till I can rehome) in my...
  18. K

    what do i do???

    Hi, I have a platinum white half moon betta. I’ve had him for over two years so he is pretty old. He lives in a 10 gallon aquarium but I just recently moved him to a 5.5 quarentine tank due to his fin rot. I read somewhere that elderly bettas can get chronic fin rot and never get better. I...
  19. JackieP

    What tank heater should I buy?

    I’ve had my fish tank since August and I’ve been able to avoid getting a heater since I live in Florida. Now it’s going to start getting in the 50s and I really don’t want my water to get cold. I have a 5.5 gallon tank for my betta fish. What heater should I buy? I’m scared because a lot of...
  20. JackieP

    Is this fin rot?? Or something else? PLEASE HELP.

    Ok so I’ve been on here already because my betta fish has some tears in her fins and I’m trying to figure out why. But look at these pictures of before and after. That’s how her fins looked month ago and that’s how they look now. Like doesn’t that look like fin rot or something? They look like...
  21. bayaan.bawab

    Fin Biting? aggravated Betta Fish?

    Hey guys, uhhhh so I kinda have an emergency, When I went to feed my betta this morning I noticed something blue in his mouth he dropped it when he came to eat but I think it might have been his tail. He was fine in the morning but now he is getting mad at me, i dont know why he's flaring at me...
  22. P

    Emergency question

  23. JackieP

    Bettas fin ripped what should I do? Please help!

    Hello I think my betta might’ve accidentally ripped her fin. She likes to push herself between the plants in my tank and I wonder if she might’ve injured her fin doing that. Should I just leave it alone? Thanks :)
  24. JackieP

    Betta acting weird and breathing weird please help!

    I took a video but it won’t let me upload it. Well basically my betta will just sit there like this randomly and take like big breaths in and out. Like not fast but just big. She did this for two minutes straight until she started swimming again. I don’t have any ammonia or nitrites just a...
  25. Stefan3289

    Beta community tank ideas?

    i currently have two platies, a white dragon beta, and two cories in my 10 gallon tank and I just got a 29 gallon tank. I know I can mix mollies, platies, and cories with the beta but is there anything else someone knows could work or has had success with? If not I will make a platy and molly...
  26. A

    Wounded Betta fish?

    Hi, This morning I noticed something was wrong with my Betta fish. I've had him for about 4 months but I recently moved him out of my 110 litre tank to a 22 litre tank (about a month ago) as he was too aggressive to my other fish. Since then he has settled in well and the water levels have been...
  27. J

    Upcoming bubble nest? (Pictures)

    Hi all. I'am keeping a male betta fish in a 20 litre tank. In the past couple of days i have had a sudden abundance of small bubble in his tank. They are sparsely spread out along the surface and are not like the ones you would regularly see on google. I have read that some nests can be spread...
  28. M

    Female Betta and Male Betta

    So I have a question. I've had my male betta and female betta in the same tank for over a month and they always seemed at peace, no fighting none of that. But just minutes ago I heard a noise coming from the tank and saw her chase him. To me it's been normal since she would usually stop after a...
  29. C

    Betta has clamped fin after being in tank for 2 months.. HELP!!

    I am fairly new to the hobby of fish keeping (been about a year since first fish) and I have a female betta in a ten gallon tank along with a nerite snail and a ghost shrimp, which are very happy. I haven’t been doing water changes as regularly as I should, but I am planning on starting them...
  30. B

    Dying Betta?

    Hey all, I'm really hoping for some fast info here. So I purchased my Dragon Scale Betta, Taki, From Pet-smart on Saturday (It's now the next Friday as I write this). The first two days he ate his pellets no problem and probably could've kept eating for a while. After that he started only eating...
  31. M

    My betta has popeye?

    Hi all, im a beginner, my 3rd week with my betta. I would like to check with you if my betta has popeye. Everytime i come home at night and turn on the light, he acts like blind for 15mins, banging plants or the tank! :(( After that though, he is normal, active and eating fine. I tried to...
  32. T

    Is my 13 gallon freshwater tank adequately stocked?

    1 male betta 2 tiger nerite snails 5 peppered cory catfish 3 ghost shrimp I have yet to get the shrimp but I believe it will add to the tank variety well. Also, my betta is fairly peaceful and chills with the cories often. I have a 13 gallon widescreen aqueon tank, a decent size. I treat the...
  33. K

    Help, Confusion About Treating Ich

    Hello, I am new to the aquatic world and just got my first fish last Saturday: 1 betta and 5 tiger barbs (I've read that the tiger barbs can be aggressive towards bettas, but they were housed together at the pet shop and I haven't had any issues with them). Because of limited transportation (I...
  34. M00nshad0w

    Betta won't eat

    So I got a new betta but he refuses to eat this is day three I'm using Topfin betta pellets. What should I do. How can I get him to eat
  35. J

    HELP! Betta has dropsy!

    Hi, my beta fish has been looking strange for about a week, and I just did some Google searching and realized she has dropsy. She has the whole pinecone effect going on and is overweight looking and losing color. I need to know what to do to keep her from dying. Please help!
  36. B

    Sick Betta, Inflamed Gill?

    I'm so sorry if I'm posting to the incorrect forum, but I'm looking for help regarding a sick fish. I posted in another forum but wanted to get as much help as possible. Please let me know if I've violated any rules by posting here. Hi everyone! I'm currently trying to help heal my one year...
  37. L

    Male Betta being bullied

    I've had my tank for about 6 months now. I have a male Betta, 7 harlequin rasboras, 4 Cory catfish, and a common pleco. My Betta has never been an aggressive fish. He's super sweet and even comes to the top of the water to let me pet him. But recently, he's lost about a quarter of his tail fin...
  38. H

    betta poops grey but is still active, colorful, and eating?!

    Hello everyone! My betta started to poop grey a maybe two weeks ago? and my betta jumped out of my tank one week ago. He was out for a few hours most likely and is now recovering and regrowing well... however a few days after he jumped he had a normal poo... like exactly the same color as his...
  39. RyRy

    New Betta owner, looking for advice/opinions

    Hello everyone, My name is Ryan and I recently got myself a Betta (yay!) After contemplating it for a long time and doing god knows how much research into the care, likes, dislikes of betta fish me and my partner finally decided to take the plunge. We have a 64 litre love fish tank which we...
  40. ketandeshpande22

    Can anyone tell my betta is Half-moon or Full-moon

    Hi All , I brought my Red veiltail Betta on 2 days before and He is 6-8 months old. His name is Jimbo . I tried to keep him with other fish , but he tried to attack them so now I kept him in 5 gallons fishbowl. Can anyone tell he is Half-moon or Full-moon betta.