betta 10 gallon

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  1. M

    10 gallon planted aquarium

    This is my ten gallon planted aquarium it has have moss, anubias nana, crypts of unknown species, Cyprus helferi. and Apondgeton crispes. I am planning to put a Betta and either a crayfish or some type of shrimp maybe orange amono shrimp or Australian amono shrimp though I am worried about the...
  2. Frittercrittern

    Cycling 10g Betta Tank - Advice welcome!

    Hello! I am cycling my first tank in forever, and I have a lot of questions and ideas for how it's going to go. Here's the current build: - black diamond sand - plastic rock cave hide - rounded gravel rocks in the middle of the tank - a larger zebra striped rock - a medium fake green plant...
  3. lightly planted Betta tank, 10 gal

    lightly planted Betta tank, 10 gal

    my halfmoon male (chub) lives in this tank with 2 anubias, a java fern, java moss, driftwood and some Petco log decorations. a few shrimp along with a shrimp filter, a small air stone and a 10 gal heater. sitting about 76°f. aquasoil, black gravel, volcanic rock substrate.
  4. 10 gal Betta tank, lightly planted

    10 gal Betta tank, lightly planted

    this is my halfmoon (Chub) tank, with a second hand (unsure of the brand) heater, in tank overflow filter made for shrimp, along with a small air stone and pump. there are 2 anubias, java moss throughout, and a java fern. a few decorations from Petco. aquasoil, black gravel and black volcanic rock
  5. lynhagan

    Heater and thermometer not matching

    Hi - I have a ten gallon tank filled to 9 gallon with one betta in I have a heater that I set to 26.5 celsius and a Dennerle nano thermometer that did match that temperature. A month on and I found that I was waking up to find the Dennerle reading 24 degrees celsius. My betta was breathing...
  6. Duckquarium

    Betta fish received critical hit

    Hi here’s my scape. I have a betta, 1 bumblebee catfish, 1 panda Cory, 2 kuhli loach, and 5 ghost shrimp. The betta and the lava rocks have coexisted with no issues for almost two weeks now but yesterday I woke up and noticed a large majority of the bettas anal fin was completely destroyed. I...
  7. katienewbettakeeper

    concerns about new betta, beginner keeper

    Hey guys! So I got my betta the day before last and drip acclimated him. He’s been in my aquarium and I have some mild concerns about his behavior (and a bigger one about my water parameters) size: ten gallons temp: 75-78 Fahrenheit (fluctuates a bit through the day) ammonia: 0.5ppm nitrite...
  8. katienewbettakeeper

    Ten gal planted betta, beginner needs advice!!!

    first time keeper looking for advice!!! planning a ten gal planted aquarium for a betta fish. bought the basics in prep for cycling: 10 gal fluval stratum 8.8 lb test kit flourish tabs gravel vac omega one flakes Fluval 50 watt heater thermometer strip seachem water conditioner Aqueon...
  9. S

    Received Betta for White Elephant, Noob at Fish Keeping, Fish seems Sick! SOS!

    Hello everyone! I've been very stressed about my Betta, Dobby, I received him for a white elephant gift and I'm determined to be a good fish dad! Everything is new, tank, heater, lights, plants, filter, etc. Dobby won't eat and is hanging at the top of the time and is very lethargic! Took a...
  10. B

    Inherited betta may be getting worse

    Hello, these are photos of the beta my parents have been keeping under poor conditions. I knew something was wrong so I took him under my wing. Got a 10 gallon and a heater. These are photos of him in the little bowl and the photos of him when I moved him in the tank. Fast forward 4 days later...
  11. kapsey

    Betta Bloat Getting Worse Despite Treatment

    I have a Betta in a 10 gallon planted tank, kept around 78-80 degrees F. I was previously feeding him Hikari Tropical Micro Pellets. He began bloating a few months ago. When I noticed, I stopped feeding him the micro pellets and began feeding him a mix of Mysis, Tetramin Flakes (his previous...
  12. jessicarf00

    betta missing scales or coloring?

    i was just trying to take some pictures of my betta, harry, and i noticed this spot on him. i can’t tell if this red spot on his body is part of his coloring, or missing scales. any advice or words of wisdom would be appreciated:) the photo with the spot circled is from today, the other picture...
  13. jessicarf00

    help! - high ph in betta tank

    i made a post last night about how my betta is breathing heavily and pacing after doing a water change. today he isn’t pacing as much but still seems to be breathing heavy. i just tested the water and the ph looks like it’s around 8 - 8.2. yikes! is this what’s causing his behavior? how should i...
  14. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    i got my very first betta, harry, two weeks ago today. today i did his first water change and took out about half of the water and replaced it with conditioned water (tried to keep it about 80 degrees.) i didn’t notice him doing this immediately after the change, but recently he’s being darting...
  15. H

    Where to find adopter for betta in NJ?

    Hello, I foster betta fish, which means I take them in from bad pet stores, rehabilitate them, and find them good forever homes. Our newest rescue is ready to be adopted, and for the past few fish putting up the information on Reddit has worked, but for some reason no one is responding to our...
  16. M

    Worried about Overcrowding and Algae Problems

    I have a planted 10 gallon tank with a betta and three kuhli loaches. The tank is in a sunny spot and green and brown algae is growing rapidly on all surfaces (even the leaves of my plants!) I want to get something to eat the algae, but I'm worried it would overcrowd the tank. I was thinking of...
  17. E

    Fin Rot or Just damage?

    so about a month ago I got this lovely betta, I've had a few in the past and never had any issues like this but his tail is not looking as great as when I got him. He's currently in a 10 gallon Fluval Flex, which is really well established- about 4 years old now. It is planted and I have...
  18. H

    How to handle betta while bladder disease heals?

    I recently got a betta from Petco to be rehabilitated, who appears to have swimbladder disease since he was only swimming at the bottom of his cup. He doesn't look bloated or anything, but he hasn't been able to swim up without his lower half immediately falling back down. And I know this...
  19. H

    Is this betta a dragonscale?

    Hey, I have a newer hobby of rehabilitating bettas from pet stores and getting them to good new homes. There's this guy in Petco who looks like he could use a chance, and he's only swimming along the bottom of his cup so he might have some swim bladder disease to treat. But my main issue is that...
  20. M

    Male or female?

    Hi all, I have a new lovely little Betta. They were mislabeled as a male yellow halfmoon at the store, and for the life of me I cannot tell if they are male or female. Any ideas? I don't see an egg spot, but I've never had a short finned male although I know they exist. Any help would be...
  21. H

    How to help betta with possible ammonia burns?

    Okay, I posted about a betta fish I took from a pet store yesterday, since he had some pale coloring on/by his fins and lips that worried me, but I only got one reply that said I shouldn't worry. Now though, I definitely have something to worry about, mainly because my tank had an ammonia spike...
  22. H

    Is this betta fish sick?

    I've decided that I'll try fostering bettas, taking them from terrible pet stores in an attempt to get them healthy enough to find a new home. Even if I don't succeed, I figure I can at least give them a nice big home to spend their final days in, instead of dying alone in a tiny little cup...
  23. H

    Betta fish resting more than normal?

    Hello. My betta fish has been with me since the summer, in a 10 gallon planted tank that I've worked hard at keeping in good condition. While originally with me at home, I took the whole setup and my fish with me to college once the school year started (don't worry it's all social distanced, we...
  24. D

    Odd issue with betta!

    Hello, I woke up this morning and noticed that my betta was not swimming around as he normally would and that he was staying at the top of the tank and barely moving. I looked at him further and noticed something odd. He has an odd shape on the back half of him that seems to be sticking out on...
  25. I_love_my_bettas

    One of my albino Cory cat fish are missing!!

    Hi so I have a 10 gallon tank with one docile male betta, one mystery snail, 3 ghost shrimp and one albino Cory catfish, but yesterday I bought two more for my tank and well I woke up today and one was missing? There is no trace of it anywhere I checked if it had possibly jumped out of the tank...
  26. BettaBoyBilly


    Hey guys my name is Will i have a male Koi betta haven’t named him yet cause idk what to name him. He kicks it in an 8 gallon live planted aquarium with 5 Pygmy Corydora’s and 5 (well i put in 5 but i only ever see the same 3) amano shrimp. I plan on getting some either some Ember Tetras or...
  27. onefieshcedrick

    How to Set Up a 10-gal Tank?

    I am looking into acquiring a 10 gallon tank for a veiltail male betta but have never worked with a fish tank before. Does anyone have a basic set of steps and things I need to set up the tank for my fish?
  28. H


    Hi, yes, I'm an idiot, I just want to preface with that so you all know that I know. Why am I an idiot? Because I've been cycling this tank I've had for almost two months, and I finally got a betta today, and only after I put it in am I realizing that the sides of the tank are one-way glass...
  29. H

    Cycling for new 10 gallon tank is stuck?

    Hi, I've got a 10 gallon tank set up for a betta fish, and of course I've been trying to cycle it before I get my fish. I used API quick start after adding about 4 ppm of pure ammonia, thinking that would get the cycle happening quickly. But it's been about two weeks now, and it seems like my...
  30. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  31. L

    Betta will not eat. Very worried

    Hello! So I recently bought a beautiful halfmoon Dumbo. I took him home on the twelfth and he seemed very content in my filtered and heated ten gallon tank. I have a moss ball but no live plants as of now. He has a little log and some hiding places. He's spent the last few days exploring and...
  32. fisharecool789

    betta fish growth

    i unfortunately don’t have an LFS so i bought my betta from petsmart and she’s really hard to take pics of cuz she’s always dashing around (very rowdy fish) and i was looking through old pics and this is the comparison of august vs october ! so happy to see her get so big and grow such pretty fins
  33. S

    I want a betta

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only a week old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  34. S

    Female Betta Tankmates? Similar Fish?

    I am thinking about getting a 10 gallon tank. I’m still fairly new to the hobby as I’ve only had my first and current male betta for around 5 months. He is in a heated/cycled/filtered/ planted 10 gallon with one nerite snail. While he is a healthy boy he’s also a very aggressive one(especially...